Should Ukraine Keep Attacking Russian Oil Refineries?

Should Ukraine Keep Attacking Russian Oil Refineries?

by newzee1

  1. Yes. They should do that until the whole russian oil system clogs and drowns in oil.

  2. Destroying distillation columns is awesome, these things cost hundreds of millions, are super hard and long to repair, and often include the need of sanctionned western parts.

    Does it stops Russia from just extracting crude oil ? I don’t think so, not sure. So they would have to pay others countries to refine their own oil + transport lol.

  3. Damn right they should as many as possible. Who fights a war and leaves the opposing side resources with which to attack yourself. Stupid question if you ask me.

  4. Attacking the refineries is absolutely a valid strategy that Ukraine should continue. Russia can still extract and export crude oil, and that gets them limited revenue and honestly forces them to push more and more crude onto the global market which would drive down gas prices. It’s perfect. The Ukrainians are not attacking Russian refineries ENOUGH, if you ask me.

  5. Yes, but only until they have blown up the last of their oil and gas infrastructure that is fueling their war machine.

    What I really want to see is a one time massive cruise missile attack on Moscows electric grid in November that wipes it out completely.

  6. Oil and gas are mainstays of the Russian economy and feed the coffers of the State. Let them feel real pain.

  7. Oh hell yes. This hits Russia where it really hurts. Russia can’t go on lying about the state of its economy for too long.

  8. Of course. Hitting the money supply for Russia may be the only chance to win this war. Hit everything as hard as possible. Russia needs to run out of money, before it can build replacements too far from the border.

  9. Yep. Keep going for the things that are extra explosive, as well as expensive and long lead time. More distillation columns, mix it up with some cracking units.

  10. Yes.

    Ukraine should burn every refinery to the ground.

    And the international community should place pressure on OPEC to increase production to fill the void instead of holding back to keep prices up.

    And Ukraine should also rip Russian rail depots electricity generation plants to shreds.

    No easy cheap paths to continue the invasion and no comfort for Russians on the home front.

    Nazi Germany didn’t stop invading and retreat until we started bombing Germany into the stone age.

    So yes. Raze every reachable refinery to the ground.

    Russia didn’t build those refineries. Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron- THEY built those refineries.

    Russia can’t rebuild them without help. Which ain’t coming from the west.

    Burn them all.

  11. Why would this even be a question?

    “Wow, we’ve found a super effective tactic against our enemy, involving large flammable targets that can’t be moved, and minimal risk to our own forces. But if we continue doing it could cripple our enemy making it infeasible for them to continue attacking us, so maybe we should ask whether we should keep doing it?”

  12. Yes, keep fucking Russia at every opportunity. That is the obligation of a civilized nation.

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