Democrats: Stop Panicking

Democrats: Stop Panicking

  1. >By Stuart Stevens

    >Mr. Stevens is a former Republican political consultant who is an adviser to the Lincoln Project.

    Maybe its time to panic

  2. Wait—isn’t this the same paper that said, “OMG, Biden has to drop out!” just yesterday?

  3. It’s tough not to feel some dread when we know the stakes of this election. I often stop and wonder if I’m living the last few months of freedom or if this’ll be my last chance to vote in an election. Biden himself has made democracy the main issue this election. So any sense that we might lose it all over a weak Dem candidate is concerning. It’s actually a bit strange how unworried Dems are when they’ve this up as such a do-or-die election. They don’t seem to treat it that way.

  4. Not panicking.

    A bit worried about the online attacks on social media and normal media before/during/after the debates.

    Then around a hundred negative articles about Biden needing replacing.

    Which screams, another republican method/attack, since the last dozen failed.

    It’s the same old bullshit playbook republicans use.

    Block the voters, if you can’t block them, cause them to lose hope, if they don’t lose hope, then cause chaos and confuse them!!!

    If that doesn’t work, appeal to fear and greed.

    Republicans and MAGA are truly, utterly and completely, the scum of all that is humanity.

  5. Alternatively: Stop gaslighting us and give us a better candidate.

    If Democracy is genuinely on the line, and it is, stop protecting Biden’s ego. Love the guy, but what’s more important?

    Biden told us he was 100% in condition to do this. I liked the guy and I’ve liked his presidency so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Welp.

    Now, I want someone else, or I want to be proven wrong. Was it a fluke? Then get your ass out there 24/7 for the next week doing adversarial interviews proving it was a fluke.

    If it wasn’t a fluke, do you really think you can keep this thing running on duct tape and dreams through November?

    Note: I will be voting Biden or whatever Democrat is running no matter what.

  6. >For 90 minutes, Mr. Trump unleashed a virulent anti-American rant. The America he lives in is a postapocalyptic hellscape of violence, with people “dying all over the place” — more “Mad Max” than “morning in America.”

    This is an incredibly good point, encapsulating a) why I can’t stand Trump, and b) how baffling it is that the Democrats can’t crush him like a bug.

    Americans always look for a message of hope and optimism from our leaders, because we are a hopeful and optimistic people. For some reason, that niche is no longer being filled.

  7. Stop panicking after 50 million viewers watched Biden almost needing to be rushed to the fucking emergency room?

  8. Not panicking. Just trying not to think about the last time we had a slam dunk lined up. Gosh. I just remember how confident we were about Hilary stomping Trump after his ridiculous, embarrassing, and unpresidential behavior at their debates

    Good to know we’re going to march into November with similar bravado. What, me worry? Heck no. I’m sure there’s nothing Joe could do that might put the election in doubt

  9. Twists my stomach imagining three months of gop commercials airing Biden’s troubled responses.

  10. They keep saying “stop panicking” but a guy who tried to overturn an election is inching closer and closer to the Oval Office again. Fuck that, I’m panicking no matter what. The debate could have been a success and I’d panic. I’m also voting no matter what. There just has to be enough actual real Americans in this country to see that we cannot let that psychopath near the WH again.

  11. I’m not panicked, I’m pissed. I really really wish I could vote against the dems for this shit, but i can’t, it’s either vote for Joe or not vote at all, not voting isn’t an option. Unbeilievable incompetence from the dems, Joe’s aging has been a slow moving trainwreck and it finally derailed

  12. Well aware he is a doddering geezer. So is his opponent, with sides of vicious insanity, self interest, hatred, stupidity, vengeful self righteousness, and fascism. I’ll take the well meaning and still competent geezer.

  13. Democrats: Stop Panicking, Hillary doesn’t need Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

  14. Can people please stop gaslighting us? We saw what we saw. I’m a loyal blue voter and would vote for a corpse over Trump. But Thursday made me wish there was a viable third party candidate running. This was not just a bad debate; it made me wonder who is really calling the shots on this administration. How can we trust the unengaged that we need to turn out to not stay home if this is how I’m feeling?

  15. How many of the undecideds in Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania did JB win over Thursday night? That was his one job.

  16. NYT yesterday: panic

    NYT today: don’t panic

    NYT tomorrow: why Biden sucks.

    Mate. Just shut the fuck up for a while.

  17. Me: He has one goal. One goal during the debate

    And it was: “Look alive Biden. Look alive”

    He failed to do the bare minimum. How can the Democratic establishment ask voters to chill.

    Fucking democracy is at stake here. And they’re going full chill mode. We’re doomed

  18. I just want socialized healthcare, more investments in infrastructure and preventing climate change, universal childcare, socialized public university, guaranteed paid leave / sick leave, more affordable housing, ways to combat opioid addiction, better resources for vets, more help for homeless Americans, and I could keep going. Will the Democrats ever help get us these things? Probably not. And of course the Republicans have zero desire whatsoever to help people. It all feels pretty defeating at this point. I mean, over 60% of Americans are a single paycheck away from being homeless and I don’t hear anybody really talking about that or ways to curtail the massive amounts of wealth that the ruling class hordes. Yeah, it all feels pretty defeating I guess.

  19. I’m not panicking but I’m really concerned that the DNC and people close to Biden don’t even seem to be entertaining other options. It feels just like 2016 when they were ignoring the faults of their unpopular candidate.

    People have been saying for months that they’d like different options and younger candidates. We could be the people that say that we’re listening to them.

    No one in the world felt like Biden had a good performance the other night – and he had extensive training and was in a controlled environment. He’s a good man and I support him but it’s time for him to step aside. And it’s time for the DNC to acknowledge the will of the people who vote for their candidates.

    We at least need a good backup plan. I mean – what would they do if he had a serious medical emergency before the election? Would they still try and run him from the hospital?

  20. Democrats saying “Stop Panicking” is like Zap Brannigan from Futurama yelling “Stop Exploding” to his poorly lead spacecrafts

  21. Counterpoint: Keep panicking.

    For decades you have been warned about the coming wave of fascism and white supremacy returning to the public mainstream, and for decades you have ignored it. Continue to panic, harness that energy, and put it to work organizing and serving the communities who have been sounding the alarm. Your panic is a privilege; for many of us, what you are experiencing right now is our regular lived experience.

  22. im just upset we got after dark brandon instead of skibidi biden when the fate of democracy, civil rights and adults being in charge again hangs in the balance. the walls feel like theyre closing in

  23. I mean if there’s a time to panic now feels like a good enough time lol

  24. No. We should not bury our heads in the sand.

    What happens if this conversation is not had, and between now and November, Bidens condition deteriorates further. This is an extremely real possibility.

    The stakes are too high, and pretending everything is fine is the direct cause of most disasters in human history.

    Chernobyl, Nazi Germany, the 2008 financial crisis, the fall of the Soviet Union. We have received a warning from the universe and we would be fools to ignore it.

  25. I’m a die hard liberal. Voting blue down the ticket and would hope you do the same. With that being said, seeing the condition Biden appears to be in makes me wonder if he makes it to the election much less through the next 4 1/2 years given the cognitive and physical decline we have seen over the last 3 1/2.

  26. At the end of the day people are putting too much weight on the influence of one person. You’re not just voting for a person, you’re voting for an ideology and an administration that will pursue policies that suit that ideology. Perhaps Trump has slightly turned that around because so much of his support is based in what is practically senseless worship, but once the dust settles the effect is the same.

  27. Criminal how CNN immediately covered Bidens performance instead of how insane Trump was. Although it does seem like people got a good reminder at how bullshit Trump is. Even my friend who’s been saying he’ll vote for Cornel West for the past year is going for Biden now and cites the debate as that reason. He was one of those who thought things need to get really bad so they get better but seeing Trump on that stage and reading Project 2025 has opened his eyes

  28. The biggest hesitation people have about Biden has been his age. For months it has come up. It’s the first thing anybody says about him. Everyone lamented last year that they hate that it’s a rematch. Young voters and disinformed voters keep wanting to do a third party candidate.

    This election is going to be on the margins. We need to secure the house and ensure the senate. With Biden like this we are not keeping the senate.

    Let’s be real. We all saw him with his mouth agape. He failed to have almost any legible point for him to be elected. Let’s use this time to get everyone fired up for the future, not the past

  29. I’m Asian American and have loved ones who are black, Latino, and Middle Eastern. Telling us not to panic after the shitshow unleashed on us under the Trump administration isn’t helpful. I’m reluctantly voting Biden, but I am extremely displeased because the DNC can’t grow a spine and field a non-establishment candidate who is not almost as old as my grandmother, who was born in Japan-occupied Korea.

  30. I just did a survey by one of those folks that stop you on the street. They started off with all the do you support Biden’s policy on xyz, so forth and so on. And I was said no, he’s been soft on some issues I care about, and he’s been a wind sock on some other issues I think he should play hard ball on. Then the second to last question they asked was do you intend to vote for Biden and I said absolutely yes. 100%, unequivocally, yes I will vote for Biden. They asked why, and I said because he’s not a fascist, corrupt, pig of a man child. Trump is a pig, that alone should have disqualified him in 2016, but it seems we live in a country full of shit eating pigs that think he is their guy. Tell everyone you know to go vote against that asshole this November.

  31. The press and some (some) democrats are in full panic mode insisting Biden drop out. If that crazy notion ever happens it’s “President Trump 2.0,” signed, sealed and delivered as we might as well save tax payer dollars, skip the election and go straight to the inauguration. It’s too late for anyone else to step in so why bother? I for one would be sitting out this election and done officially with both parties as it’s Biden or nothing. It’s time everyone calms the fuck down and back Biden as Felon Trump’s base supports him.

  32. Biden is a good guy and a great politician. But even he knows it’s time. If he wasn’t running against Trump I doubt he’d be seeking reelection. And to be honest, if he wins in November it doesn’t matter if he croaks in January. As long as that orange rapist is defeated.

  33. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but panic is a perfectly appropriate response.

  34. It’s baffling, as a non trump republican, that i can’t rely on democrats to come up with a candidate that could have confidently crushed trump with such a low bar.

  35. I’m glad this happened. It was a much needed wake up call for lazy democrats to see what we will be with if we don’t vote for Biden. If anything, now more than ever I feel super strong about supporting Joe. He’ll get back up and fight like hell. He’s essentially devoting the rest of his life to protecting American democracy. The LEAST we can do it show up and vote.

  36. As a trans woman who stands to likely lose my life or be forced to become a refugee if Trump wins, I will panic as much as I want, thank you very much. Maybe Democrats should stop looking down on people who don’t tow the party line and accept reality every now and then, huh? How about that?

  37. Trump is the closest thing to the anti-christ I’ve ever seen. He will never get my vote.

    With that out of the way. I can not unsee what I saw Thursday night. The same is true for millions of my fellow Americans. The Democrats are horrible spin-doctors. Still, they’re forging ahead with a guy that has never been popular, with polls consistently showing a tight race, and now this.

    There is reason to be concerned. Trump can not be allowed to take power again. The Democrats were playing with fire before the debate. This is one hell of a gamble to take with the independent voters.

  38. NYTimes 1 day after debate: Biden should go. Democrats should panic. Find a new leader.
    NYTimes 2 days after the debate: Stop Panicking.

  39. Media outlets (and Russian bots) desperately want us to believe that Biden is about to keel over and to jettison him NOW and that Trump is about to win because… Biden is elderly and had a cold.

    Also, because… there’s literally no other reason to think that. Biden is an incumbent who already defeated Trump, a candidate who has never had a majority of the popular vote and is the weakest GOP candidate in a generation. Why is Trump about to win again? MAGA has been repeatedly defeated and shown to be weak in elections all across the country. Why are they panicking again? Oh. Ratings, and foreign bots pushing a false narrative while ignoring the fact that DJT has no agenda, won’t answer policy questions, and repeatedly lies without being called out on it.


    Folks, cancel your subscriptions, stop posting their articles, get away from the NY Times by every measure possible. The paper is pure garbage and their editorial board is no better.

    Our mainstream media is so fucked in the head now it boggles the mind how they continue to exist.

  41. What’s driving me nuts about this is that the media and pundits (who are useless) are ***telling*** us what the conventional wisdom is (or should be according to them), then people mindlessly parrot this, which in turn is reported by that same media as “people are saying…”

    It’s a circle jerk of stupid; and the tell is that the media is reporting about the calls for Biden to step down after a bad debate performance, but they aren’t demanding the same for a convicted felon and sexual assaulter.

  42. No, I’m not going to stop panicking.

    *Biden* challenged Trump to this debate. This was a *CNN* debate, with rules that were friendly to Biden. Trump didn’t say or do anything at the debate that Biden couldn’t prepare for; he lied about everything and said all his usual bullshit. This debate could not have been set up any better for Biden. And, for a guy with 50-something years as an elected official, and a guy that’s already beaten Trump in a presidential election, Biden should have massacred Trump.

    Instead, he came out and looked awful from the beginning. People say “he got better after it went on” but I’ve read so many comments about how they just turned it off after 10-15 minutes of watching it. By the time Biden supposedly got better, many viewers had just turned it off. First impressions are everything in a debate, and Biden failed miserably. He was so bad Trump even got to say “I don’t really know what he said” and I, as someone who has hated Republicans for 40+ years, had to agree with him. “He had a cold” is a piss poor excuse. You couldn’t send him out with a pack of Halls?

    There’s going to be about 10-20% of the voting population that is independent or moderate and could swing to Biden. You think after that performance they’re going to vote for him? They still might, and there’s a lot of things that could happen between now and November, but if the election were held tomorrow, Trump would dog-walk Biden.

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