Ukraine’s World War I-Style Dogfighters Have Shot Down More Russian Drones

Ukraine’s World War I-Style Dogfighters Have Shot Down More Russian Drones

by cito

  1. It’s weird they are calling this a WW1 style dogfighter as yak 52 were developed in the 70s. Apparently it’s because they were shooting from the open canopy.

    The title is a bit of a stretch.

  2. this is a plane younger than the F-16.


    the fuck do you mean, world war I-style?

  3. how many reposts of this do we have to suffer.

    And the post-titles for this just keep getting more absurd.

  4. Question: what happen to WWII style aircraft? why do we have to resort to Great Great grandfather airframes? why can’t we just go back to Grandfather airframe? where are the spitfire? the hurricanes? the P 51 Mustangs? cannot even spare a few museum piece for UKRAINE????? Seriously?

  5. This is cool but I bet russia is already building a zala with a bomb in it to try and counter these guys. I hope they are careful.

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