get real, gayreece is not west

get real, gayreece is not west

by Vlad_Tepescu

  1. They may not be Western European geographically, nor economically, and not in their religion either, nor in their culture, but they… uh… I forgot where I was going with this.

  2. Your mistake is to think being western has positive connotation. Being western is fucking gross. It sux. Migrant infested, dirty crime infested shitholes. Central Europe is where its at. It’s the future. West dropped the ball.

  3. Unlike you, second hand ruski, they were never commies, therefore they are western.

  4. Let stavros alone or ill fuck your shit up beyond human believe alright?

  5. Greece is honorary western european for the country’s cultural background .

    Ancient Greece is also the basis of most western cultures so they are in + flair up coward

  6. Fuck off. Churchill didn’t launch constant assaults to liberate an eastern European backwater, he did it for the birthplace of fockin culture!

  7. Why the fuck is that weird part of turkey in red, turkey isn’t even in Europe begone!!!……

    Greece what’s that? Never heard of her.

    :pls don’t down vote me any butt hurt Greeks it’s a joke…..mostly……mostly

  8. Nope Germany France and Britain are the only Western European countries, everyone else is an Arab.

  9. This isn’t even a Western European sub anymore. That happened the day we let the Nordicks and central cunts have a flair

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