UK Set to Ban Tobacco Sales for Those Born After 2009

UK Set to Ban Tobacco Sales for Those Born After 2009

by guyoffthegrid

  1. I think age based laws adults is a very flawed idea. So at some point someone who is 27 can buy a cigerette but a 26 year old cannot, even though both can vote, drive a car, drink alcohol, smoke cannabis in many cases and otherwise have the full range of rights afforded an adult?

    From a drug legalisation and harm minimization perspective there are also flaws with banning any plant that can be grown at home. It’s the industrial production of tobacco, and the corrupt actions of its multinational producers, that have caused the problem historically. Tobacco should follow the decriminalisation model for marijuana in some countries; illegal to produce for sale but legal to grow a small number of plants for personal use.

  2. So, we are legalizing marihuana in many places because people have right to smoke the pot, but delegalizing tobacco?

  3. Can somebody explain to me the point of discriminating grown-ups based on the year they were born? I mean, I’m against the idea of banning tobacco for everyone because I think adults should be educated but then do whatever they want with their bodies, but I could understand the idea. But why will I be able to buy some smokes because I was born in the nineties, but my younger cousin won’t even when he’s an adult? It doesn’t make any sense

  4. While I don’t like the current UK government (and haven’t for a long time), I don’t see why this is getting downvoted so much.
    There may be better ways to do this, sure, but honestly, I don’t see this as a terrible solution. Is it flawed? Absolutely, but so is any other solution for this, as well as just doing nothing at all.

    Also, for people comparing tobacco to alcohol, here some of the differences I can see straight away:
    – Alcohol doesn’t seem to be anywhere near as physically addictive as tobacco.
    – As someone else pointed out, there is no “secondhand alcohol drinking”. Sure, you might smell it on someone, but that’s not going to have the same type of negative effects on you as secondhand smoking.
    – Alcohol usage is already fairly regulated based on time, location and the situation that you are in at any given point.. think about it: you can’t drink while working or driving, but smoking seems to be commonly accepted in those situations (and even expected in some cases! Some people only get breaks to smoke at work, that’s ridiculous!)..

  5. Philip Morris must be most upset, now that they have successfully turned the nations children against us by introducing them all to new bubble gum and marshmallow flavoured drug dependance, before they are even old enough to be able to deduce the existance of rice pudding and income tax

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