Lazy Sunday – What are you all up to today? A lazy day, or a busy one? Tell us here.

Lazy Sunday – What are you all up to today? A lazy day, or a busy one? Tell us here.

by KevinPhillips-Bong

  1. Recovering from a nasty flu bug so resting , going to watch the Austin powers films later.

  2. Ready for the gym, currently sat drinking a cup of coffee and rewatching Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan on Prime. Leave for the gym at 7.45 (opens at 8).

    Go watch Inside Out 2 later. Have a Tesco delivery later this evening, then watch the Euros to end the day.

  3. I’m sure my wife has plans that include me, so now starts the game of trying to avoid them.

    Part 1 includes letting her have a lay in for as long as possible to shorten the overal chances. Then we will start the delay tactics where I disappear to the garage for a bit. Then we get into the distraction part of the day where I will send her random memes or shopping websites.

  4. Gym first. Home by 9.15 then shave and shower then off to grab the click and collect, then screw fix, then putting up a black out roller blind, then walk the pups. Then cut the grass. And if all that gets done then clean the car this evening. It’s well over due, I am ashamed to be driving around in it at the moment but is heading into the garage next week and I feel I should at least make the effort.

  5. Just having a brew with dog as she’s had an upset stomach recently but is much better this morning.

  6. I’ve been waging a war with my neighbour since the election was announced, and have putting ‘vote labour’ signs all over his house, garden and car. Every day so far, even sending one to his mother in law’s address when he visited her.

    Today I went to Tesco at 7am to put one in the first copy of the Sunday Telegraph which he gets every day at 7:30. I’m now sat next to a window waiting for him to come back

  7. Finished work at around half 3 this morning, got a phonecall to say my uncle has unexpectedly passed away. Boyfriend came and picked me up to bring me home. Sat at my dad’s house now, don’t really know what to do.

    He was the sole carer for my nana, he knew what to do and how to do everything and would not accept help from anyone. We have no idea what we’re going to do without him.

    Not sure why I’ve posted all this here. I just feel a bit numb.

  8. MIL is heading back home to Ukraine today, she misses her dog and friends, so is running the gauntlet.

    She is lovely, kind and hard as nails.Living with cancer and close to 70, she taking an overland route that around 3 days to get back to a place where there are missiles flying to see her dog.
    Truly a woman of focus, commitment and sheer will.

    I’ve been calling her John Wick all week, she would probably kick his ass to be fair.

  9. Just came back from a sleep-in shift at a house I help support, got the same again tonight, but fitting in a steam railway day trip with my wife and kids in between!

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