Selenskyj sagt, er bereite einen „Plan“ zur Beendigung des Krieges mit Russland vor

Selenskyj sagt, er bereite einen „Plan“ zur Beendigung des Krieges mit Russland vor

  1. Sad reality is they will probably have to concede some territory to “Emperor” Putin

  2. Russia running out of everything except mines, artillery shells (but running out of artillery so..) and soldiers (looses and recruits ca 30 k a month – but for how long)?

    Ukraine holds the drone advantage and the Russian air superiority seems to be ending.

    This calls for Russia to loose any offensive potential in this war. Now more than ever the west should push through with massive amounts of aid.
    The Western military industrial complex has been a slow burner in reviving its production capacity, but just as in both world wars we are starting to see the gravitational might of capitalism churning out massive amounts of military spending both on short term needs and long term investments in nearly every country within the western fold. Simultaneously Russia is dependent on supply of North Korean malfunctional artillery shells.
    The greatest threat to a Ukrainian victory is recruitment effort. Bolster that and Ukraine may just win this war.

  3. Peace sounds great, but what kind of compromise could they possibly come to?

    Here’s hoping they have something that works for Ukraine, the world is ready to move on from this conflict.

  4. Ukraine is shitting itself after that debate, they know funding will soon be cut off and all Ukraine will belong to Russia. Best to cut your losses and live another day as a smaller country but a NATO country.

  5. This has been the same from both sides unless he understands that we have to give in to Russia since we are miles apart from what we want and what Russia wants. They have more men and we don’t.

  6. Besiege Crimea, push through in Kharkiv and take Belgorod. Trade Belgorod for 1991 border.

  7. At worst, Russia needs to give half the territory they conquered back. I can see Ukraine reluctantly let them take both Crimea and the Donbass but certainly not Zhaporizhia and the remainder of Kherson and Kharkhiv Oblast. Highly doubt that Putin would agree even to that deal, which is highly favourable of Russia. His decision to incorporate the conquered territories made it impossible for him to relinquish any land without political blowback.

  8. I wonder if he’s announcing this after seeing that Presidential debate 😫

  9. Imagine being a solider that died in this conflict. What a horrible place we live.

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