A Russian infantryman takes his last steps through a corpse-strewn hellscape after being hit by a drone.

A Russian infantryman takes his last steps through a corpse-strewn hellscape after being hit by a drone.

by SteakTree

  1. Some mum wiped his arse and breast fed this cunt just so he could die a useless speck in a stupid war.

    Waste of time.

  2. “Even modern battle has its great moments. One hears it said very often and very mistakenly that the infantry battle has degenerated to an uninteresting butchery. On the contrary, to-day more than ever it is the individual that counts. Every one knows that who has seen them in their own realm, these princes of the trenches, with their hard, set faces, brave to madness, tough and agile to leap forward or back, with keen bloodthirsty nerves, whom no despatch ever mentions. Trench warfare is the bloodiest, wildest, and most brutal of all warfare, yet it too has had its men, men whom the call of the hour has raised up, unknown foolhardy fighters. Of all the nerve-racking moments of war none is so formidable as the meeting of two storm-troop leaders between the narrow walls of the trench. There is no retreat and no mercy then. Blood sounds in the shrill cry that is wrung like a nightmare from the breast.” – **Excerpts from Ernst Jünger,** ***Storm of Steel*** **(1920)**

  3. A beautiful short film! Submit it to the Sundance Film Festival. The look in his eyes before the flies descend, quite emotive!

  4. I thought that maybe the FPV had only done minimal amounts of damage. Adrenalin is pretty crazy, but it can only get you so far and he just kept on walking. However, when he looked up and saw the spotter drone and made no attempt at shooting it down (even though he had an AK in his arms) you could tell he was just another corpse walking through a cemetery, waiting to find his burial plot. As that old lady (not sure if Ukrainians call them babushkas or not) from the early days of the war put it “put these sunflower seeds in your pocket, so when you lay day they will grow”. Sure as shit, no one else is going to lay flowers at his grave.

  5. Hey bud… where ya going? Just… just fuckn wondering around waiting to die? For fuck sake. Why are you there?!

  6. is that an ATACS FG bdu his wearing? poor dude one of the many who was fooled, lead and killed to war all for money

  7. Truly horrifying. What must he have been thinking as he walked through the corpse ridden wasteland he helped destroy?

  8. This footage is unbelievable. We truly are living in the future that was portrayed in 80s movies. Stanley Kubrick and Oliver Stone would probably be speechless if they saw this.

  9. Not a single attempt to render self aid. No signs of even the most basic medical training. At this point Russia is just handing people rifles and calling them trained soldiers.

  10. Seems like he died by himself after that strike, good job. Otherwise I imagine it could be effective to let one or two shell shocked orcs back into camp to give a little morale boost to the other comrades.

  11. Congratulations, you died in a empty field all alone because your leader thinks your life is worthless, he didn’t know your name and doesn’t give a shit

  12. Hrmm, that last shot his pack was all over the place. He got hit with a second drone?

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