Gas prices, adulting in Germany and sleepless nights πŸ˜‘

So two years ago I moved got a flat and the landlady recommended Vattenfall as the energy provider and GASAG for gas. The Arbeitspreis for the two year contract was 32.41 (ct/kWh) till 15.000 and 32.13 from 15.001. For year 1 I used 6.093kWh and year 2 was 7.706. My initial monthly payment was €61 for year one (that year also had some relief payments from the government) and the next monthly payment was €91 monthly. They sent me a bill to pay 306 euros by next month. I have made arrangements to have that cleared. Now my problem is that the new monthly payment is 266 monthly and I can terminate the contract now if I want. The switch from €61 to €91 and now €266 is very alarming and I always (assumed πŸ˜‚) that if I paid that and I used less, I would be able to get the money back. My friend who is German said the price is too high and I should switch. I don’t even know which one to switch to. Some have sign up bonuses etc. my postcode is 12347 berlin britz. Do I just get Vattenfall to give me the gas as well or try someone else ? Is it possible that even if I continue with GASAG and use the same amount of energy, the monthly payment would increase past 266 for next year? I have never changed an energy supplier in my life πŸ˜‘but apparently it’s a common thing in Germany. Also while we are here, is there anything else that’s changed regularly aside the heating and energy supplier ? I need the German cheat sheet to adulting. I have added some photos on the initial contract and recent bill. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

by Longjumping-Touch923

1 comment
  1. That price is about three times what our local Stadtwerke charge. When you made the contract there was a gas crisis and prices where extremely high. Get out of the contract ASAP, so find another one on one of the typical comparison websites and make sure to cancel in time (at least one month before). They will tell you what you have to do exactly to switch.

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