Taiwanesische Sängerin bei prestigeträchtigen Musikpreisen: „Vergesst Tiananmen nicht“

Taiwanesische Sängerin bei prestigeträchtigen Musikpreisen: „Vergesst Tiananmen nicht“


  1. Wow, I can tell this is one of the most cost effective slap in the face to China.

    Taiwanese singer tell the world to not forget Tiananmen Square massacre that China is trying so hard to erase it from the mind of its people.

    I am almost positive Pooh bear is gnashing his teeth if he was watching the program.

  2. “Why don’t you ask the kids at Tiananmen square, was fashion a reason why they were there?”

    Also, I don’t know this person’s travel habits. However, if she’s ever traveled to China, she obviously can NEVER do that again lol. With the Taiwanese president praising her and all, these comments will get a bit of attention over there.

    edit: just wanted to add my own praise of her speaking truth on an authoritarian massacre, and I can only imagine how terrifying it can be to have such a massive regime looming so close by. Freedom of speech is something the ccp will never accept, as well as something the Tiananmen protesters fought for.

  3. This woman has balls. Unlike some Hollywood types that barely say a thing, and then walk even that back so China isn’t butt hurt (China is always butt hurt) and won’t show their precious movie.

  4. What can Taiwan do?? Declare Taiwan independence or just good at using saliva war??

  5. Don’t forget what?

    Nothing at all happened on the 15th of April 1989. Nothing at all.

  6. Agreed. My father had students that went and never returned. Not too sure if they were killed or jailed.

    They died for ideals and should be remembered as heroes.

  7. Oh boy, Xi and the CCP are gonna snap when they hear this. Still, good for her. Although, if she ever wanted to travel back and forth between CCP and Taiwan, she might find that to no longer be possible.

  8. Finally some people are getting courageous to speak out about the actions of the authoritarian government of China

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