‘Tension rises’ at border with Belarus, Minsk accuses Kyiv of deploying troops

‘Tension rises’ at border with Belarus, Minsk accuses Kyiv of deploying troops

by Electrox7

  1. The first time, Russian troops attacked from Belarus. This better not be a justification for a full Belarusian invasion. This would probably be the last straw Putin could grab at before he truly has no more options, but Ukraine wouldn’t be able to hold so front line without NATO troops.

  2. “How dare you deploy troops along the border you were invaded from”

    Fucking Lukashenko is a cunt

  3. Deploying troops………to guard Ukraine’s own border? Is an escalation?

    ROFL, Belarus stops drinking Putinz’s piss, its rotting their brains.

  4. And yet Belarus gave ruzzkies a free reign to conduct an invasion against a sovereign nation through their territory.

  5. Don’t need to give a damn about what Belarus said, their troops just can’t fight with Ukraine army

  6. I wonder if anyone can competently explain the reason for this incomprehensible behavior of Ukraine? /s

  7. I am more wondering about what the fuck is Belarusian opposition doing. And how many Belarusians fight on the Ukranian side.

  8. “Only Russia is allowed to deploy troops close to the borders of other countries, then lie about the invasion that they are about to proceed with.”

  9. Tension has been high since lil Russia allow Russian troops to invade via their territory. I don’t see a problem here.

  10. This kind of news always reminds me of a documentary of the Ukrainian border guard, where they are driving their boat, and across the river there is the boat of the Belarusian border guard. The Belarusian guys wave, but Ukrainians don’t wave back.

    I think sending Belarusians into Ukraine could very quickly turn inwards, and that is probably also the reason why they are not doing that.

  11. The only tension in Belarus is Lukashenko’s asshole everytime loverboy putin makes a visit.

  12. I keep hearing about a counter offensive in the east with Ukraine gaining ground. Can anyone confirm this?

  13. So Belarus allow their country to be the jump off point for a full scale invasion of Ukraine by Ruzzia. And then have the audacity to complain that Ukraine is strengthening its borders?

    Yeh fuck off.

    Sounds like an attempt to remain relevant by the Belarusian president.

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