Can somebody help me with work contract and this weird point?

I mean the 2. point. Does it mean that I will get paid 1700 brutto even though I worked for example 40 hours? In contract it says minimum 30 hours.

by sadsatan1

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  2. yes, you always get paid 1700 regardless if you worked 10 or 40h. The idea is that you will have months where you work a lot (and then in theory you’d make less than minimum wage in this month) but the hours you work more get put on a “Arbeitszeitkonto” and then in the next month(s) (by law it should be within 12 months) you have to work less than 30h (so in those months you get technically paid more per hour).

    Just make sure you put all hours you work on your Arbeitszeitkonto and that your employer actually allows you to spend the hours you accumulated there in a less busy month.

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