Thanks VAR. Much appreciated. πŸ‡©πŸ‡°πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Thanks VAR. Much appreciated. πŸ‡©πŸ‡°πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

by FluffyCatfishy

  1. VAR is the greatest thing that’s happened to football. Now we just need VAR for diving.

  2. We are missing also the moment in time of contact with the ball synched with offside.

  3. I once got fined by danish Midttrafik for activating my ticket 2 seconds after entering the bus. Back then I was told the rules were the rules. Where is this sentiment now?

  4. The results were fair but damn unlucky for Denmark, that was a great game.

  5. I agree that under the current rules 10mm offside is still offside, but man can we please just agree something needs to change about the rules because this shit just ruins the fun of the game. Has nothing to do with the idea behind the offside rulings and why it was instated in the first place.

  6. Offside should be when there is light visible between the torso`s, which would result in much more freeflowing games.

    The offside rule as it is now gives too much advantage to the defender. Since the player receiving the ball must be quite a bit before the defender to be allowed to receive it.

    This makes tackles, and slow downs a logical play style.

    It`s like illegal to get away from a defender with the current rule.

  7. If fifa can model players in 3d and shows us exactly where every body cell was positioned, why does the referee has to watch a footage on loop to take a decision ?? Or it’s just a handmade 3d model to tell us: see? Referees were right, now stfu.
    Am I missing something ?

  8. we now have the technology to be as precise as possible but people still complain.

  9. This is a typical case of the rule becoming more important than what it’s trying to achieve.

    Offside is meant to prevent a striker from loitering around the goal all game waiting for a long ball, keeping one or two other players occupied who could have otherwise contributed to the game. It sucks for the defending players and it sucks for the game if two or three people just don’t play a role.

    Now the effect is that a player who has slightly better reflexes and starts moving 0,5s before his opponent, or who better anticipated play and is in a better position to react is penalized. Even though that’s exactly the kind of athleticism that you’d want to reward.

    Marco van Basten suggested a great rule change imo: it’s only offside if there’s no overlap between the body of the attacker and the body of the last defender. Slightly better reflexes or positioning won’t make such a big difference, while people who are obviously loitering are still penalized.

  10. Denmark got completely ripped off yesterday but we all know that the host country could not lose so soon. With a little help from UEFA, of course. One penalty for Denmark was overseen and right after that, with exactly the same player, the penalty that gave Germany the first goal was so stupid, I honestly quit the game. I also suggest cutting every players arms at this point because if a ball gets even close to a hand, it’s a penalty and it’s such a fucking stupid rule, I can’t even.

  11. I don’t even like football, but I feel like with this kind of bullshit no one will like it anymore

  12. Football’s regulators hate goals (except penalties, they fucking love penalties, even stupid and blatantly unfair ones). Clear light of day between players is the best offside rule for more goals and entertainment.

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