Never run from a drone, ruski, you will only die tired [NSFW]

Never run from a drone, ruski, you will only die tired [NSFW]

by Zealousideal-Menu276

  1. I was brushing my teeth when I watched this. It‘s unreal how much you get used to such videos.

  2. Fly 1: Guys, the meal is served, fresh orc on the menu.

    Fly 2: again, we’ve been eating this for two years, luckily I love it

  3. In many years his child is watching the video of how his father died and because of the Russian propaganda, does not understand why he died.

  4. Bet he’s thinking he should of put sunflower seeds in his pocket before he left home.

  5. its sad to watch people dying slowly and he recent why did he deserved this ?

    i guessed fooled by russia of great salary?

  6. Guy took a ton of shrapnel into his chest.
    That there’s his chest cavity and/or lungs filling up with blood making him gasp for air.
    Shoulda stayed home!

  7. so ye i threw up, the things i see here like this guy choking on his own blood is destroying my sanity

  8. Gotta give it to him, throwing that vest looking thing wasn’t the dumbest of ideas. If he wasn’t so shit at it he could’ve bought himself some more time

  9. What’s with the ‘it’s a boy’ blue smoke/debris from the impact?

    New revenue stream for the Ukrainians, pay for a gender reveal FPV strike lol.

  10. 0:15 judging the blue cloud the thermobaric charge only partially detonated. Enough blast to rupture his organs, too little to blow him to pieces outright.

    From 0:31 he choked to death. There’s a cut in the video, it’s unclear how much time it took him to die.

  11. spotter drone operator I think is enjoying their job, watching for a few minutes zoomed in till the target is dead rather than scanning round for another target.

    The 47th videos the past two weeks have been savage, their fpv drones pack a bigger punch than the rest

  12. Great job guys, keep up the excellent work of eliminating each and every one of these invaders.


  13. Horrific death!

    One detail, his trousers seem to be held by a rubber band, not by a belt.

  14. 2nd drone saying: “this one’s done, let’s move on and spot the next orc…” Slava Ukraine 💙💛!!!

  15. I remember back in the day, there were reports about those poor people that had to do drone missions against ISIS and Taliban and where psychological “scarred”. Drones flew higher. Different optics (thermal). etc. Compared what we see now, that was childs play. Wonder what the drone pilots that even see the face of the “victims” think, but they probably feel more rewarded (right now) than in pschyological distress.

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