Is this common in Germany?

How common would you think, such a thing would be part of German society that you’d need a court of law to decide who gets to keep a cat, between a mother and daughter?

by picsnapr

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  2. Uncommon enough that it’s worth an article. That said, people arguing over who gets to keep a pet after a divorce for example aren’t unheard of.

  3. This has nothing to do with being common? 
    Daughter wants to take the cat, mother wants to keep it. Mother sues daughter.

  4. The only uncommon thing here is that the daughter is a dumb bitch. It’s typical, over years mom was good enough to take care and buy all the food and take the cat to the vet. It’s actually sad that a court had to decide, to it’s good the mom can keep the cat.

  5. Go to r/raisedbynarcissists and search for “cat”. You will find many similar stories. Parental abuse (punishing a child for becoming independent, animal cruelty, manipulation and power plays) happens everywhere.

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