Italian officials will pay up to $32,000 for you to move to Tuscany — but there’s a catch

Italian officials will pay up to $32,000 for you to move to Tuscany — but there’s a catch

by Born-Dot8179

  1. * Tuscan officials created a $3,000,000 fund to incentivize people to move to the rural countryside.
    * The fund will pay people grants of up to $32,000 to move to Tuscany and fix up a home there.
    * The grants will pay 50% of the costs of renovations. Applicants must make the property their primary home.

    […] The program is open to Italians, EU residents, and non-EU citizens — so long as they have established long-term residency lasting no less than 10 years. Eligible applicants must commit to making the Tuscan property their primary home.

    Applications for the program close on July 27.


  2. a lot of people will underestimate how shit the situation can be in the italian countryside

  3. oh man.. If I had the money and possibilities I would absolutely love to move to Tuscany.

  4. My neighbors bought a house there just to vacation. I plan to move there when I retire. Retirees only pay 3% of income tax. I will buy a house in Tuscany and a vacation house in my homeland. Live in Italy in the winter and live in the Netherlands in the summer. Sounds like a good deal to me.

  5. So they want people’s commitment to the area without their own commitment to the infrastructure of it. How about built infrastructure and they will come.

  6. I’d give it a go for 10 years anyway,If I could speak the language

    Deosnt seem many downsides to it tbh

  7. There’s a catch for the Italian officials so they can pay you up 32k to move to Tuscany: You have to join that Thing of Ours ;D

  8. If you’re thinking of getting a place there don’t bother. There’s really nothing available.

  9. Uhh anyone thinking this is good should go watch. “Help we bought a villiage”.

    I thought the Spanish were manana. You have no idea. The Italians are next level hopeless. It is staggering watching builders never turn up.

  10. I am from Tuscany and I know well most of those areas.
    Some of the place [in the list]( are really good for a tourist, but most of them are villages in the middle of nothing on the mountains. Forget about Chianti or other well knows area.
    I think the area in Elba island or on the hills near Pisa can be a good opportunity. Areas like Garfagnana or Appennino are more problematic.
    I will suggest to visit the place in advance and rent an house for a while, before start this process. Anyway, I think that it can be a good opportunity if you find a place that you really like.

  11. If the 32000 euros makes the difference for you then you shouldn’t do it. You’ll spend a large multiple of that on renovating the kind of houses that you will find there (in materials alone), especially if you want to bring them up to modern standards. This is great if (1) you’re into fixing things (2) have a lot of spare time (3) do not depend on the region for your income (4) do not have children and don’t plan on having any in the near future (5) don’t mind learning an extra language (this is not optional) or already speak Italian (6) are in excellent health.

  12. What can I do for living there? Wine yards or agriculture, livestock? I believe a pickup truck would do the job, what else? Are the houses really that big to change the roof, repaint from the inside and inspect the electricity and water pipes? What else, what else, do the locals speak a little bit of English at least to understand each other with hands and feet? Are the local veterinarian and hospital like 15-30 km away, not super special first aid places but at least some medical facilities and supplies? If so, count me in, no matter the dead line is near!

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