The 2WE4U Manifesto

The 2WE4U Manifesto

by AndradexXx

  1. Luv me bicycle giants

    Luv me autistic trainspotters

    Luv me spaghetti perverts

    Not racist, just love ‘em

    Simple as

  2. I always find it very funny when people talk about “my/our land and culture first!!1!”. Like when Barry63 with 40% Saksian blood and 60% Norman blood tells newer immigrants to get the hell out of “my” country. 🙂

  3. Such deeps thoughts and knowledge of our cultures.

    Spaniards doing their thing.

    Greeks being greek.

    Italian culture in Italy.

    Everbody having a swell time.

    Only with right color of the skin of course.

    What would that have to do with racism?

    And christian so people can fuck kids and get away with it.

  4. I want Europe to remain pagan. No Middle-eastern religion or philosophy allowed, without exception. Only native pagan theologies in Europa!

  5. Christianity is from the Middle East. We go back to Wodan and Donar and their shenanigans.

  6. Yes, European culture is supposed to be stagnant. You’ll never see us do un-european things that will impact the culture such as religious schisms, population migration, expansionalism, or any kind of paradigm shift on the subjects of personal liberty, monarchism or science.

    Someone with ideas like the earth turning around the sun has always been treated the same in Europe, and will always be treated the same

  7. I mean yes? Pretty sure nobody here despises the integrated immigrants. Problems is many are not integrated and despise the very countries that are giving them shelter

  8. Typical American naziposting. Dude lives in NY/Florida. When did this sub started shilling for the non-European savages?

  9. Boys, fu. The 2we4u manifesto is: pro eu, f all extreme and populist politics, fuck russia, China, Iran. Tolerate us, can, aus, israel.

    Make sure eu can hold during upcoming (and partly ongoing migration crisis) but accept and cherish integratabtle work force from non western cultures willing and yearning to adapt.

    Never waiver on ukr support.

  10. Every European country should do their own local thing, but we should all do it according to a book written by Middle-Eastern Jews 2000+ years ago.

    Also, no Jews and no brown people.

    * This guy.

  11. No it’s not. Remember when this was an ironic community and not a melonicirclejerk?

  12. There are only 2 things in life i really hate; racism and non Western-Europeans.

  13. > I want Europe to remain white and christian.

    Yeah and i want Christians to go back where the come frome.

    But sadly it won’t come true just because i want it.

    Also i think i understand why christians are so scared my muslim immigrants, they fear the muslims will do the same to them as the Christians once did to our ancestors.

  14. But what if I want to eat Italian food while drinking french wine, enjoy the Spanish sun and make fun of the English?

    We are different but we are brothers, Europe United and United it will be! We must enjoy each other’s culture and each other’s racism 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺

  15. “White and Christian” bullshit very quickly would start drawing lines around which of those flags count as White and which count as Christian. See: the proliferation of European Parliament nationalist groups because when push comes to shove they can’t get along with each other.

  16. But Christianity is foreign to Europe.

    I want the old faiths with their sacrifices, the extremely stratified societies, constant war and suffering. Rome was a bad thing with its unifying melting pot effect.

    – a logical person


  17. Nah nah nah can we move on from religion? We’ve been to space we don’t need to pretend some magic man made everything

  18. That fucking american is mixing culture and race, you don’t have to be white to be fr*nch, italian, spanish, british, etc… You need to be well integrated into the culture or at least be able to combine it with your own, these are the problems we are finding with the new waves of inmigration.

    Also, keep your christianity to yourself, a great part of modern european society is secularism, and it’s what differentiates us from savages all around the world.

  19. I love how in every country he specify but in spain just say “doing their things”,dude i dont want to live a civil war.

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