„Bomben auf schlafende Juden abgefeuert“: Türkischer Oppositionsführer verurteilt Hamas, 7. Oktober

„Bomben auf schlafende Juden abgefeuert“: Türkischer Oppositionsführer verurteilt Hamas, 7. Oktober


  1. > There was anger in Turkey over opposition leader Ozgur Ozel, **who said in a TV interview on Saturday that Hamas is a terrorist organization.**

    the fact **THAT** is considered in Turkey Gov something wrong, says everything about the leadership.

  2. > Turkey’s main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP,) elected Özel as its new leader in November 2023, replacing Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the Associated Press reported shortly after the elections that year.

    I didn’t realize Kılıçdaroğlu was out.

  3. I’m a simple man. I see a Turkish politician repping Atatürk, I support him.

  4. Reminder to all the redditors that the opposition we are talking about here won the recent local election because hardcore islamist erdogan voter base thinks he is too soft on the Jews and did not vote.

  5. Note the usage of the word Jews here for anyone who says this conflict is about zionism not antisemitism.

  6. Put this man in power, spitting facts against the idiotic consensus within the Turkish government 

  7. I’ve been to Turkey. It’s an amazing country. Don’t judge an entire population off one leader. 

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