The work of Russian doctors.(NSFW warning if you are easliy disgusted don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you you will maggots in the wounds of a soldier.)

The work of Russian doctors.(NSFW warning if you are easliy disgusted don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you you will maggots in the wounds of a soldier.)

by banana_man_man_

  1. The biggest difference between most of the Ukrainian and the Russian casualty clearing stations and hospitals is the total disparity in equipment and supplies, a Ukrainian casualty clearing/stabilising station is better equiped than any Russian hospital i’ve seen, and Ukrainian Hospitals are just very well equiped and stocked modern trauma hospitals, every patient in need of monitoring has modern systems avalible to them (I personally havn’t seen any wounded in any footage or images without it being avalible), Russian hospitals are poorly stocked 60-80s style with a couple of more modern bits of equipment if they’re lucky…..

  2. Looks like a lot of necrotic (dead) tissue, hence the maggots. This guy is in trouble.

  3. The USSR made a huge deal out of training more doctors than the West. It was proof of the superiority of the Soviet system.

    Except the quality of the horde of doctors pouring forth from Soviet Doctor School was hilariously low, most of them practicing little more than voodoo black magic at best.

    No doubt you will find this difficult to believe.

    # /S

  4. From the looks of it the Ukrainians use actual doctors and the Russians have veterinarians at best.

  5. Ok so I’ve never dealt with wounds that are the result of shrapnel before, but I have worked around diabetic ulcers (the biggest being about a fist and half wide) and some car crash victims. You don’t just loosely scrape out the shit inside the wound (in this case maggots and god knows what else) you have to THOROUGHLY disinfect it. The hospital I worked at, that would mean about 10 minutes to an hour per wound (depending on severity), cleaning all the puss, detritus and necrotic flesh using saline and disinfectants, then placing a silver alginate pad of some form (and even then they have to be replaced every few days), then you wrap it and give a massive broad spectrum anti biotic to the patient (within reason depending on allergies etc). Seriously all that is happening here is sealing a wound with all the bacteria still left inside. Dude didn’t even take his fucking watch off.

  6. “Don’t worry they’re medical worms, they went to Harvard. They eat the dead flesh 60% of the time. That’s the same percentage as your vodka rations. HAHA (in Russian).

    Nurse, bring me more scraping spatulas.

    You’ll be back on the frontlines before you can say Russkiy mir ten times.

    That reminds me, did you hear the joke about the statue of Lenin…

    Doc, I’m not in the mood. I’m full of shrapnel and worms.

    That’s what she said!!! No seriously, you’re probably gonna die. No joke.”

  7. i just dont understand if you injured in the field why not wrap the wound and prevent all the flies from laying maggots on you

  8. Imagine this in a more civilized country: “Pt still got maggots, Burns and beginning necrosis over some more then 18% of his body. better wrap him up well lol and wtf is a anesthesia lmao??”

  9. Small maggots eating big maggot from a maggot country lead by a Tzar of maggot.


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