Before the war this woman’s husband was not allowed to eat in the car… but that was before

Before the war this woman’s husband was not allowed to eat in the car… but that was before

by lilmammamia

  1. And now he is? I need to know he didn’t turn into goats Op! What did the biolabs do to that man?!

  2. I get the feeling thar he still isn’t allowed to eat in the car for some reason.

  3. Mitsubishi make great fucking products, over engineered heavy shit. I never owned one of their cars but goddamn their household electronics and tvs etc are anything to go by that cars probably got it in it.

  4. That car has quite the story to tell. Built as a getaround veichle, turned into a utility veichle through necessity

  5. *Correction, it says “before the war husband wouldn’t even allow to eat inside the car”.

  6. Necessity is the mother of invention, the hatchback became a hutchback to get the kids around.

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