The flag of Ichkeria over a city destroyed by the russian army. Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, 1990s

The flag of Ichkeria over a city destroyed by the russian army. Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, 1990s

by BashkirTatar

  1. I for one am glad the Russians prevented the start of a radical Islamist nation on the border of Europe.

  2. Show this to all the right wing/left wing, c**ts that wanna be friends with putin again. Hope their homes get “freed” first.

  3. It is probably the case where Russia did better job than USA in Middle East.

    Chechnya after all quite peaceful, with relatively low crime rates. Yes it is not perfect in humans right and democracy, but still better than if terrorist won.

    Back in Mid East: I do not think Iraq or Afghanistan any better than Chechnya now. I believe they less democratic and human rights per most of metrics and definitely less safe.

    In the same time the war itself was terrible. I believe it is one of numerous Yeltsin faults.

  4. Let’s see how redditors romanticize an islamist gang state that was a center for drugs and people trafficking, just because it happened before most of you were born, and you just like to talk shit about how bad Russia is. Russia actually made Chechnya way safer, rebuilt Grozny city, and to this day provides massive subsidies. It’s still a rule of an islamist warlord, but at least it’s just one warlord, and violence is kept in check.

  5. 2 retards fighting. Love to see it. Downvote me all you want, you terrorist cocksuckers lmao.

  6. And today the Chechens are fighting together with the Russians and are doing their dirty work for them. Our world is a crazy place…

  7. During the first 20 days of the siege of Grozny, Russia fired 4,000 rounds of artillery an hour into a city populated with civilians. Those civilians were majority ethnic Russians (the Chechen population had broardly evacuated). Thats how little they care about their own people, let alone anyone else.

  8. Just admit it you all, you are USA bots. It’s fine, you have to accept yourself and your employer.

  9. As far as I know, Russia made a peace deal after first chechen war and then few years later after regaining strenght and spread propaganda on tv it attacked chechnya once again

  10. They wanted to be the successor of Rome, but instead are perfect heir of Mongolian empire

  11. Imagine being Russian and knowing that your country is primarily known for this ugly and primitive behaviour. Must be depressing af. I am not pitying them to be clear. Fuck Russia.

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