Australia becomes first country to ban the sale of vapes

Australia becomes first country to ban the sale of vapes

Australia has become the first country to ban the sale of Vapes but what does that mean from next week the sale of Vapes will be restricted from pharmacies and removed from retail shelves the government says the aim of the ban is to return Vapes back to what they were originally made for therapeutic products to help Harden smokers kick the habit under the new legislation anyone wanting a vape will need to talk to their pharmacist first and under 18s will need a prescription earlier this year the country bned the import of most Vapes and limited the amount of flavors that could be sold it will now be unlawful to manufacture Supply import or sell Vapes outside of a pharmacy this bans all Vapes regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not so what do you think should more countries follow this ban let us know in the comments

Australia has become the first country to ban the sale of vapes outside of a pharmacy, as governments crack down on the rise of young people vaping.



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  1. Don’t ban vapes but we definitely need to change how they are sold. people treat them like sweets all those flavours of liquids when you see a vape shop it’s set out like a sweet shop. They are meant to be a stepping stone to get people off smoking but people are staying on them and young people especially are actually going straight to vapes these days

  2. Vaping needs the same stigma as smoking. Vapers frequently ignore all smoking rules in the UK. Restaurants, cinemas, public transport etc. I'm all for a ban except for therapies.

  3. A positive move. Surprisingly, vapes have proven to be MUCH more damaging than we thought. They could even end up being more dangerous than cigarettes with respect to respiratory effects.

  4. Ban cigarettes as well. You could have banned them a long time ago. Nicotine products no more. Why do you keep them around unless they may be benefiting The economy in some way?

  5. Okay, if nicotine vape is allowed to sell in pharmacy, why we couldn’t buy nicotine free vape in the vape store? Oh sorry, i didn’t realize there is no tax on those nicotine free vape, my bad.

  6. Probably not going to affect the usual un-informed pile on, but vapes have not been banned in Australia. In fact nicotine containing vapes, which must be obtained by medical prescription at present (not only providing a significant barrier to purchase but limiting the quantity an individual can obtain) will still be obtainable at pharmacies but now without a prescription (and thus with limits on quantities removed). Thus nicotine containing vapes will become much more available.
    “Recreational” vapes, which have always been nicotine-free (at least legally), and thus equivalent to calorie free lollies, have been prohibited. Can anyone come up with a real reason this is a material issue?

  7. Probably not going to affect the usual un-informed pile on, but vapes have not been banned in Australia. In fact nicotine containing vapes, which must be obtained by medical prescription at present (not only providing a significant barrier to purchase but limiting the quantity an individual can obtain) will still be obtainable at pharmacies but now without a prescription (and thus with limits on quantities removed). Thus nicotine containing vapes will become much more available.
    “Recreational” vapes, which have always been nicotine-free (at least legally), and thus equivalent to calorie free lollies, have been prohibited. Can anyone come up with a real reason this is a material issue?

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