July 4th Is A Special Day

July 4th Is A Special Day

by amprather

  1. Ahem ahem, ladies, gentlemen, all others, say it with me now

    *dramatic buildup


  2. Great my birthday too. Do you still have cat at No 10. I’d rather vote for that wee fella. Any decisions on running the country can be based on putting food bowls in the kitchen and seeing where he goes too. + I like cats, so that’s a bonus.

  3. Fun fact. Lord North was the Tory British PM during the war of independence in 1776. The defeat of the British empire in the US had been the main reason for him conceding the position in the Westminster. In conclusion, the 4th of July will indeed be the day of Tory independence for the UK and for the US. Hopefully, the British can destroy the tories as a political force. Something that the US didn’t manage to do

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