Russischer Satellit zerbricht im Weltraum und zwingt ISS-Astronauten, Schutz zu suchen

Russischer Satellit zerbricht im Weltraum und zwingt ISS-Astronauten, Schutz zu suchen

  1. “Components, American components, Chinese components, all made in Taiwan!”

  2. Russia – offering absolutely nothing to the world but chaos and destruction, on earth and in space.  

  3. So it just spontaneously “broke up” near the orbital path of the ISS? What, too much turbulence? Drag? /s

  4. Jokes about russia aside this is a scary thought. Theres no real way to run in the event of impact, and depending on the point of impact it could very well destroy the ISS and kill everyone onboard. Its actually so brave to be willing to live in a capsule in space where an object as small as a screw has the potential to end your life in an instant if it hits said capsule

  5. What if hear me out all Russian satellites are designed to spontaneously disassemble as an added weapons feature.

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