Russia wants to confront NATO but dares not fight it on the battlefield – so it’s waging a hybrid war instead

Russia wants to confront NATO but dares not fight it on the battlefield – so it’s waging a hybrid war instead

by Barch3

  1. Next to all those sabotage actions, there’s a lot of attacks on social media and in the media in general. Some of their operations:

    * Getting you to not vote because one candidate is too.
    * Getting your country to leave the EU because “you pay too much”.
    * Voting for some far right candidate because they’ll be tough on immigration.
    * Want you to take down capitalism, because nothing good came from it.
    * “Democracy doesn’t work because reasons”.

    It’s so crystal clear and stupid, but dumb people seem to fall for it again and again. If Russia falls, then you’ll see a lot less shit on the internet and reddit. It will definitely not remove all, but a lot.

  2. This has been clear and obvious forever.
    They don’t want direct war with NATO, even without the US.
    What they DO want and always did however, is to undermine everything and destroy NATO and EU from the inside by hybrid actions. Pigs like Orban don’t help here but he’s obviously a good example of what I mean.

  3. RuZZia doesn’t need to fight Nato. They destroy us from the inside with bribing and use proxies to sabotage and spying. Still nothing is done about it even when missles and fighter jets invade our airspace.
    Nato is a joke on world stage.
    They only way to defeat evil is to become evil but thats never gonna happen with our woke and weak ass leaders

  4. There are leaked documents, that putin tried to get ukraine quick, sack them all, throw them as slave soldiers against NATO and sell their properties to russian people.

  5. And it’s successfully captured the far right and the far left (via Iran and its Palestinian proxies).

    If we’re gonna beat Putin, sanity has to regain control of our politics, and extremists of all stripes have to be kicked from power.

  6. Love too see all members of NATO just start mobilizing. Russia would shit its self,N Korea probably stomp it feet cause no one is looking at them AGAIN.
    When Russia asks or threatens about it just say it’s a test of new ideas or some BS as they did in beginning.

  7. Start doing the same thing in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Better yet, why not just gather thousands of NATO troops on the border with Russia and invade at the proper moment to rid Russia of Nazism. You can call it a special operation, which will make it okay to do.

  8. Russia; no problem killing women, children and the elderly.

    Russia; cowers in fear wherever there is a possibility of going toe-to-toe with anyone capable of fighting back.

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