Turkish medicine students ignored Islamist faculty members’ homophobic censorship attempt during the Hippocratic Oath

Turkish medicine students ignored Islamist faculty members’ homophobic censorship attempt during the Hippocratic Oath


by Zerone06

  1. Moments of tension during university graduation from Ordu University were caught on camera. The “patient’s sexual orientation” line in the (Turkish version of) Hippocratic Oath, which students who have just graduated from the Faculty of Medicine read before starting their careers, has been censored.

    The oath in the original version states, “Between my duty and my patient, I will not allow age, disease or disability, belief, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, political ideology, race, social position or any other characteristic to cause discrimination.” Vice-dean Tuba Gül read the oath, but the sexual orientation part was censored.

    The students did not recognize the censorship and said the part removed from the oath in unison by memory. While Vice-dean Gül took a short pause, parents supported the students with applause. On the other hand, after these events, Gül canceled the graduation ceremony cocktail after the students’ protests and removed the cakes, water and soft drinks from the area prepared for the cocktail.

    Students and parents who wanted to take photos inside Ordu University Faculty of Medicine were not allowed and the students and parents were removed from the hall accompanied by private security forces. While many parents reacted to their students being removed from the hall, graduation photos had to be taken in the faculty garden.

    Making a statement about this censorship on its social media account today, the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), which is the institution that officializes the text for the oath, said:

    “We are proud of our young colleagues who recited the Oath of Medicine in its original form at the graduation ceremony of Ordu University Faculty of Medicine. As TTB emphasized in the letter we sent to the deans of medical faculties and chambers of medicine on May 22, 2024; ‘The Geneva Declaration of the World Medical Association is common and binding for all physicians. In the physician-patient relationship, no definition other than being human can be a reason for privilege or discrimination for the patient. For this reason, it is an ethical violation and a crime to force candidate physicians to read a changed version of the Physician’s Oath, which every physician reads when starting their profession, which states that physicians can only approach their patients as human beings.'”

  2. Great scene and I enjoyed the instant reaction of the crowd as well. Is the vice-dean going to suffer any consequences for changing the oath or there is no such law?

  3. I’ve heard horror stories from Turky, being anti lgbt. People who worked there and minor celebrities (mostly LoL pro players since it’s who I follow) say that homophobia is wide-spread, people and institutions, and had trouble dealing with it.

    A story like this coming from Turkey, actually warms my heart. Cool to see the kids are not following the backwards mentality of many of their elders.

  4. I’d say I bet they wouldn’t care if they had to be treated by a gay doctor but then again I bet some would rather die.

  5. Imagine being a doctor (or professor) and going “I will treat everyone to the best of my ability and save everyone‘s lives… except gays, f*** the gays”

    Such intolerant, homophobic clowns…

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