Damage to new-build homes was ‘sectarian hate crime’

Antrim: Damage to homes was 'sectarian hate crime' – BBC News

Police are appealing for people with information to contact them

Damage to two new-build properties in Antrim is being treated as a sectarian-motivated hate crime.

Four people, dressed in dark clothing, threw objects in the Reford Grove development in the town at about 03:00 BST on Sunday, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said.

On arrival, police officers noted that two windows had been smashed, and paint damage had been caused to both properties.

One of the houses was occupied at the time, police said.

Insp Parkes said the PSNI had increased "proactive patrols" in the area and the neighbourhood policing team would talk to community representatives "to monitor any impact or concerns".

“There is no place in our society for such behaviour. We take a zero tolerance approach to those wanting to cause fear, or incite and promote hatred," Insp Parkes added.

Police have appealed for information.

by Portal_Jumper125

  1. Demand for houses outstrips supply and they’re fighting and causing trouble over them 

  2. Imagine people were this opposed to the DUP as much as people are to this housing estate

  3. Talk to community representatives…..
    How about you go for their neck and stop their drug dealing, intimidation and extortion.

  4. This isn’t about religion it’s just scumbags trying to get social housing.

  5. God I’d love a house like that. I’ll just keep working away paying for this shite and hope for the best.

  6. Just flatten them. Its going to be the same gluebags involved in this shit that will inevitably get them so they don’t deserve them

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