Estland schützt sich vor der russischen Bedrohung: „Wir könnten ein paar Wochen durchhalten, bis die Verbündeten eintreffen“

Estland schützt sich vor der russischen Bedrohung: „Wir könnten ein paar Wochen durchhalten, bis die Verbündeten eintreffen“

  1. I don’t see it taking weeks for help to arrive. Air and naval support are readily available. Ground equipment wouldn’t be far behind to clean up units who are decimated from their air.

    Invading a NATO member, triggering the very thing that NATO exists to do, would be a terrible idea. That is the point of the alliance

  2. I feel like Russians are under some false impression that NATO would be playing lobbing shells for a month like they do in Ukraine while slowly grinding the defenses.

  3. The quick arrival of NATO air support is behind Poland’s calculus to massively build up its ground forces. Over a thousand modern MBT would be at least a massive speed bump, and with NATO air quite likely immovable

  4. Estonia is cool. We gotta keep those guys around. They’re important. They smoke cigarettes and make disco elysium over there.

  5. NATO ain’t a joke, they’d be swooping in like hawks. Let’s hope we never see that day, eh?

  6. Russia is not going to invade a NATO member. They just keep posturing to create fear. It’s far more likely that they are waiting for the US election. Putin and his allies will do everything in the power to help Trump win. Once Trump wins, he’ll pull out of NATO and then Putin can go for it

  7. They didn’t even took Ukraine for three years now, what makes them think they could beat Estonia in three weeks without getting sent to the Dark Ages by NATO?

  8. Any Russian invasion would be seen miles off as its builds up just like Ukraine. NATO would deploy in force inside Estonia (or any member facing invasion) before it could happen .

  9. I would twist this to say “Russia could survive a couple weeks until the allies arrive”

  10. I don’t think it’ll take a couple weeks for NATO aircraft to dick smack any Russian advance 

  11. Finland will rush that shit like a cheap bottle of vodka and discount cigarettes. Finland literally sitting there saying “pretty please vlad” Finn’s fucking love killing Russians. It rivals hockey as the national pastime.

  12. I am afraid Russia would do something that’s intolerable for any country respecting its citizens from day 1, like bombarding residential areas in Tallinn

    I believe to properly defend against an enemy who has no regards for international law we would need a high-capacity air defense that’s relatively cheap to use. Like the Israelis have, soon maybe these new laser-based defense systems

  13. Amazing how people get sucked into misleading headlines. Let’s be honest, the moment Russia attacks the Baltics – which already houses thousands and thousands of NATO soldiers- NATO forces would be in the area and sea within hours. Let’s give a rest with these gotcha articles

  14. Jaysus we can barely hold Poland back now …this would send them into action fast.

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