Russian woman recruited from prison, captured today near Yasnobrodivka, Donetsk region

Russian woman recruited from prison, captured today near Yasnobrodivka, Donetsk region

by jerrydgj

  1. Very progressive of Russia. Full equality. I’m sure it’s not a sign of worse things to come for Russia.

    One thing tho, if she dies during combat then who gets Lada? The Russian circle of life seems to be broken.

  2. Some translation:

    *[inaudible] I don’t feel my leg!
    What’s your last name?
    What’s your rank?

  3. We knew it for months in advance.
    For what i understand she is lightly wounded.

    (I heard it : I cant feel my leg)

  4. She doesn’t feel it because she’s been shot and it’s tourniquetted, Ukrainians could let the tension out I guess.  I know the concept might be foreign technology to them but she’s about to get better Healthcare than she’s probably had in her life.

    Meanwhile the mariupol defenders have almost all been starved to death or tortured and killed in captivity.

  5. Less haggard than I was expecting. Perhap female orcs do not consume as much vodka as the males.

  6. The newest contender for Miss Special Military Operation 2024. She nailed the interview portion of the contest.

  7. Im genuenly curious if she’ll be treated better in Ukranian captivity than within her unit. Judging by how Orcs treat their own, I cant imagine how they treated a female “comrade”

  8. Oh, this bitch doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Got given her marching orders now is a POW. Better not step a foot out of line or she will be given the boot.

    I’m not sure how many more leg injury puns I can cram in.

  9. I’m shocked they’re throwing women in as front line troops. I thought they were just using them as combat medics and then there was the odd report way back when of the DPR and LPR having seasoned women fighters.

  10. Just when you think the Russians can’t go any lower. I think pukin needs to get a uniform on and get to the front lines.

  11. How low Russia can go…

    Next steps handicapped people, people with cancer in their final stage, blind people and their dog…

  12. Africans, Nepalese, wimmin and soon North Koreans. Russia is leading the way in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Bravo!

  13. She may be a shit soldier. Just let her see some kid selling lemonade or bottled water.

  14. Imagine ruZZian forces finding a Ukrainian lady this age and filming it. It would not turn out the same 💯

  15. People keep calling her old but wouldn’t be surprised if she’s only in her 30s or 40s.

  16. I dont want to imagine what a woman has to go through sitting in a russian trench

  17. Just asking for a friend…If a woman points a loaded AK-47 at you and she pulls the trigger… does that bullet kill you as much as if the gun would be fired by a man?

    If so: she is as much a Ruzzkie combattant as any guy drawn from the Orc’s trenches.

  18. If one woman has been captured It’s very likely there’s been many killed.
    It seems the barrel is being well and truly scraped.

  19. I have a feeling we will see a lot of orc prison women getting captured or killed in the next few months. Since the male prisoners have been killed.

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