Trump’s jet sits next to Russian government plane for two days in ‘isolated’ area: report

Trump’s jet sits next to Russian government plane for two days in ‘isolated’ area: report

by newzee1

  1. I once sat next to a political party leader in a plane. We decided to bomb gaza for shits and giggles

  2. “Biden is the Manchurian candidate” well at least he isn’t the moscovite bitch.

  3. Donald at the debate about Putin invading Ukraine: “This was his dream. I talked to him about it. His dream…” Putin’s going all-in on Donald’s election. By helping Donald, Putin will get to crush Ukraine when the US stops all aide and then pick off the parts of NATO he wants when Donald withdraws us from that.

  4. It’s  not like either plane had a choice where the airport parks them. They park where the tower says park.if anything, people  should be outraged at the airport for putting  the Russian plane near a presidential cannidate. Should have told the Russian jet to park over in the grass somewhere away from everyone. 

    The fact the airport put the two planes together in an isolated  area is pure intentional and they wanted the two seen like that. A staged photo op for the airports amusement  and absolutely  a security risk. 

  5. This screams parallels to Reagan’s backdoor deal with Iran on hostages to sink Jimmy Carter’s reelection.

  6. One would hope the FBI was performing careful surveillance of this whole event. Not that it would much matter if they were engaged in illegal acts provided such evidence would simply be seen as further “lawfare” against comrade Trump.

  7. Why is a convicted felon and a terrorist state allowed to fly large jets anywhere near the capitol? Hello? 9/11?

  8. Trump transferred all the other classified documents to Putin that the feds didn’t find.

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