Ukraine now mass-producing strike drones with range of over 1,000 kilometers

Ukraine now mass-producing strike drones with range of over 1,000 kilometers

by AdSpecialist6598

  1. Refineries, railway tracks (double-tap FTW), Saint Basil’s… the possibilities are endless.

  2. That’s fabulous news. Surface to Air missiles are expensive compared to the drones they are attacking. Ukraine could just send a succession of these every couple of minutes to Moscow with the intention of depleting Russia’s stocks of SAMS. They could even use stealth drones to tow radar reflectors (“Big Drones” as far as radar operators were concerned) towards Moscow at the beginning as part of the effort to deplete Russia’s defences. Russia probably couldn’t shoot down 1,000 drones headed to Moscow without running out of everything!

  3. It would be so cool if they could mount some HARM type hardware on them. Non-stop attacks on AA across Western Russia.

  4. Can we get a gofundme so they can block out the sun with a 1000 of those in 1 day?

  5. Good. Raze everything even remotely important within 1000km. Bridges, power plants, dams, railroads, farms, food storage, oil and fuel depots, ports, power substations, airports, radio and cell towers….everything. Cripple their logistics and bring the war home to all the idiots still supporting putin. Let them sit at home in the dark with no power/water/food and see how they like it

  6. I just keep wondering how dangerous Ukraine is going to come out of this war.

    Much like Estonia’s situation, they are now a leader in cyberwarfare/protection.

    Ukraine I feel will be a world leader in multi-theatre drone warfare.

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