‘Gravely concerning’ claims of Russian interference in general election to spread support for Farage’s Reform

‘Gravely concerning’ claims of Russian interference in general election to spread support for Farage’s Reform


by qwerty_1965

  1. lol. The tories are rattled. *now* they care about Russian interference

  2. Of course the Russians are involved, & the Chinese & Iran. And the people most likely to fall for it at boomers who all their lives have told us to be careful of what we read and believe.

    Self fulfilling prophecy at this point.

  3. I think his reply is quite revealing:

    > Mr Farage called it “cobblers” to claim bots generated by foreign state actors could interfere with the election outcome – as he launched a personal attack on Mr Dowden.

    > Asked about the deputy PM’s comments, he told Trevor Phillips: “Oh, don’t talk cobblers.

    > “I mean you had this bland fellow on earlier who apparently is the deputy prime minister, who no one knows who he is, and there he is saying, ‘oh, there are Russian bots involved’.

    Reports are coming from the ABC, not from Dowden who is just commenting on their findings:

    > The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) says it has been monitoring five co-ordinated Facebook pages which have been spouting Kremlin talking points, with some posting in support of Reform UK.

    Yet he claims with straight face that the BBC and Channel 4 set him up.

  4. If only Boris had prioritised eliminating foreign influence in politics instead of voter ID….. But that wouldn’t have benefited his party, his backers or his bank balance.

  5. Well, the UK’s MSM seem to be doing their best to screw Reform over, so maybe it all balances out.

  6. Reddit will support this then as its giving Labour more seats.

    Reds supporting reds

  7. Another day another 4 to 5 articles hand wringing over Russia.

    Schrödinger’s Russia is both a collapsed isolated state on the verge of defeat in Ukraine and a superpower on the verge of landing in Kent and brainwashing millions to vote Reform. Make it make sense.

  8. I posted on the other thread about the sudden influx of “local” people I’ve never seen before all over the community Facebook pages spamming Reform talking points and memes. All of them have the Reform badge as their only profile pic.

    A few people replied to say they’d seen the same thing.

    It’s pretty obvious what’s happening.

  9. I’m not quite sure how the Russians would benefit from promoting Farage and Reform…..

    Seems odd that they exert such a big influence over UK and US elections…

  10. I wonder why countries that consider us to be their enemy are trying to get Farage and Reform UK elected. That would only make sense if electing Reform would harm the UK, right?

  11. For every seat that isn’t won by Labour it will be because of Russia.. all the Labour seats will be legit though..

  12. Wow… 5 Facebook pages! The Russians really know how to change the course of an election.

  13. And is this Russian interference in the room with us now?

    I’d be interested to know how we differentiate between the people who want to vote Reform because they’ve seen what Labour and the Conservatives are capable of, and those who are voting Reform simply because they’ve been tricked by those pesky Russians.

  14. All of this country’s problems are a result of multiple failures by successive governments, what part exactly does Russia play in that?

  15. When are you going to realise that reform are popular because they’re the only ones claiming to do something about immigration. So what if other countries are trying to influence it, it changes nothing.

  16. Had someone on the other thread saying Farage was taking advice from US billionaires, and now the Russians are supporting him.

  17. 2yrs ago we were getting plenty of reports that dickhead was very sick and slowly dying. What happened to that?

    I’d like to hear more about Putin’s demise

  18. I’d win a war of words with Putin, he may have the brains but I have the sex appeal 😉

  19. ‘gravely concerned’ fuck off, you didn’t care when they were paying you greedy fucks to push brexit.

  20. Why is it Russia is simultaneously an incompetent state and also a master spy state who meddles in all elections in the world?

    Is this because boomers still remember the cold war?

  21. The party who recently had its leader espouse blame for the Ukraine war on the west is a beneficiary of potential Russian interference. I’m shocked.

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