Study shows Gen Z is increasingly more homophobic than previous generations in Spain

Study shows Gen Z is increasingly more homophobic than previous generations in Spain

by -Joel06

  1. The youngest gen Z are not even teens yet. We all went through that edgy phase of adolescence when we used gay as an insult. Most people grow past that by early adulthood. This should be taken into consideration.

  2. Teens just trying to appear edgy. Maybe it’s also the tiktok/instagram algorithm that, for some reason, pushes “embrace masculinity” sigma edits.

  3. Is it fair to apply this to Gen Z as a whole when it shows that half of them (the girls) are actually less homophobic or or on par with prior generations?

  4. It’s isn’t “gen z” it’s males from gen z. About the het pride parade females from gen z are actually the ones who don’t support it the most.

    What is shocking is the sex divide in gen z while all other generations males and females think the same on average.

  5. I don’t think these are very useful questions to assess homophobia.

    Young people being less experienced and more insecure plays a role as well.

    Asking for a heterosexual pride day makes a lot of sense if you simply forget that the LGBT-pride parades started out as protests against discrimination. They may not make a lot of sense for people who grew up in an environment where it’s perfectly to not be cis-straight.

    Being overly affected when witnessing other people’s sexuality is also something that seems typical for people who aren’t relaxed about theirs. Mirror neurons firing is something you’ll have to learn to ignore.

  6. I think it’s just a natural reaction to the cultural trends of previous generation. Millenials are aggressively, obnoxiously socially permissive and a lot of us zoomers just can’t stand this attitude being the cultural norm that we’re expected to live by, so they fall into a bit of a conservative counterculture.

  7. Surprised it isn’t u-shaped, with more homophobia among older people as well. I also think the first question is a bit cringe, and not nearly as relevant as a more direct question like that mentioned in the text between the graphs.

  8. Just look at the racist dogshit that they post every day on r/MemesESP. I live in Spain, and the only reason Spanish people have a good image in Europe is because people don’t understand what is being said about them.

  9. To me it sounds like they’re expressing frustration with an overemphasis on political correctness and diversity initiatives, which is leading to this kind of backlash against movements like Pride (expressed in a ‘counter event’ like Hetro Pride). I’m not sure this reaction is necessarily rooted in opposition to the rights or lifestyles of others but rather in a growing annoyance with the perceived forcefulness of these initiatives. Maybe this perception of forcefulness is causing issues that previously didn’t feel invasive and irritating, to start doing so.

  10. Is this comparing Gen Z to other age groups when they were the same age or just comparing age groups? Title makes it seem like the new generation is more homophobic for some reason but I don’t think this cites what millennials thought at the same age.

    Peoples opinions change, especially when you grow out of the edgelord teen phase into young adulthood. Most young boys are general shitheads.

  11. -> has been given less reason to be homophobic than any previous generation in history

    -> is homophobic anyway

    Well done, guys! đź‘Ťđź’Ş

  12. Probably a consequence of the clicks and views driven algorithms on social media

  13. Well I guess far right and alt right youtube grifters and tiktok influencers have succeeded in a way, their hateful and ignorant rethoric has stuck somewhere.

  14. Probably Muslim gen Z immigrant men. They have a higher birth rate so it’s most likely that a bigger portion of them is gen Z.

  15. I mean I am no data expert but this looks like a male issue no?

    Women seem remarkably consistent.

    As a young man, I can tell you this is an issue globally. Men feel left behind and are getting pumped by women at school, uni and in life. Women now dramatically out earn men in the UK prior to the age of 30 (when something mysteroisly happens to women but not men who knows.)

    These men are becoming trapped in a right wing cycle of blaming everyone other than themselves for their issues. I doubt the gays are even their primary focal point of anger more so women and generic perceptions of the “owning class” who are keeping them down. Include immigrants in that too.

    It is depressing but history always shows that young, disaffected men with fuck all hope or plan do some seriously bad shit. We got facism after the great depression for a reason!

  16. As a Spanish Gen Z male, yeah the situation is bad, not as bad as this put it, because I really think that lots of people will change as they mature, but really bad.

    Spain has been suffering a populist far right cultural war that has been able to convince a tonne of teenagers (especially white male heterosexual teenagers) that they are being discriminated by the feminists, the lgtbiq+ lobby and racialized people, and that they want to destroy Spain (also with the independentist of different parts of Spain).

    All of this is obviously false, but the propaganda has worked very well, and results like this clearly show it. For example, SALF, a party created by a “journalist” that basically just posts fake news, that literally said he wanted to be and Europarlamentary so he coudent be prosecuted in Spain (because he has multiple defamation cases in Spain), had nearly one million votes on the European Parliament.

  17. I think the push for hyper-individualism, materialism, authoritarianism and overall conservatism to Gen Z boys is very worrying. I even see it myself very clearly, being a part of that age and gender group.

  18. Gen Z males are increasingly homophonic, females apparently less than previous generations….

  19. Stupid question from an American: Why do Europeans use the generational terms that were originally made to describe American demographic trends?

    For example, I read that Spain’s “baby boom” took place from 1958 – 1975. The term “Boomer” is generally used to describe someone born from roughly 1945-1965. It was originally coined to describe a generation raised with wealth and optimism immediately following WW2 and the Great Depression. A generation later disaffected by the Vietnam War and racial tensions. These were primarily American trends…possibly Anglosphere trends, no? So how is it useful to group Spanish demographic trends using a different country’s metric?

    Later GenX described the generation that lacked identity in the 80’s and 90’s. I can’t imagine that this directly correlated to a generation behind the Iron Curtain, who would be facing different social trends.

    I kind of understand why Europe would use Millennials as the world has become smaller following the Eastern Bloc’s collapse. And I completely get the use of GenZ, as that describes a generation that is fairly integrated in both sides of the pond due to technology and common media culture. But hearing “Ok Boomer” from a European just sounds off to me.

  20. No, it doesn’t. You are missinterpreting this data.

    This study shows that teenage boys answer more homophobically to questions in 2024, then older people or teenage girls.

    If you want to know if this generation is more homophobic, you would need a timeseries of studies. What did Millenials answer to the question when they were in the corresponding age group?

  21. The males dont surprise me, specially with influence from dick heads like the Tate brothers

  22. You see: Gen Z is frustrated that they are not allowed to celebrate themselves and that others get to do it, making them feel bad.

  23. Do you consider someone as homophobic because he/she wants to have it’s own pride parade when is a hetero? Sounds ridiculus

  24. those brain rot andrew tate videos have truly done their job well, but I am surprised that gezn males feel more discomfort when they see homosexual couple than generation x and boomers, this is acutally kinda crazy, “heterosexual pride day hahahaha

  25. I’m going to do something i absolutely hate and I’m fairly sure this is the first time I’ve even done it…

    This isnt “gen Z is increasingly homophobic”. This is MEN of Gen Z are increasingly homophobic.

    And I blame the internet. I blame social media and I blame utter human garbage like Andrew Tate.

  26. I would take the results not too seriously. “elpais*”* and “cadenaser*”* (the ones that ordered the study) are, by far, not the most objective media in the Spanish panorama and well known for telling the part of the story they get paid to tell.


    I didn’t even look at the stats but if this is true, I can tell you why. When you start pushing opinions to someone, naturally they will start to react to it. Let’s say when you were a kid you planned to clean your room on a Saturday. You are about to start but your mom is walking in and yells “Clean your room” what did you use to do? You started arguing and saying that you don’t want to even though you planned to clean your room. You just reacted to someone forcing something on you. It’s the same with the Gen Z, even though many of them were supporting gay people, once all the propaganda hit the news and the society was “forcing” them to agree with gay people by waving LGBT flags everywhere and condemning having an opinion against supporting LGBT, they naturally reacted to it and started shifting their opinions. We are humans and biologically we tend to hate it when someone forces or suggests us something. We like to do things because WE want to, but as soon as I feel that I have to do something that someone else tells me to do, I shift my will and start reacting to it. Suddenly I am just against it.

  28. Eh, all these interest groups didn’t learn anything from the same issues the church went through for gen z. The more you shove it down someone’s throat the more it’s hated. I can’t help but think all this pride stuff is just some crap corporatist religion shit that is used by monied interest to distract people while they whore out and suck out countries dollar dry. Maybe not, but maybe…

  29. I wonder what if there is a culture that doesn’t like homosexuals exploding demographically in Spain…

  30. I’d like you to imagine for a moment how such young male must feel reading the comments in this post, shitting on them from all sides.

    Taking into account the history of mankind, white hetero males (or at least subset of them, because white male peasants in middle ages didn’t really have it that good either) WERE the most privileged group for the most of the time, but currently young people were never in such position. From their perspective the world in their age group is pretty equal yet as those terrible white males, they are the only group that can’t have problems, because the “best” they can count on is silent ignorance and everything south of that is in the type of “it’s your own (as in: white male) fault”.

    And people can ignore it as much as they want, but positivity and flattery is a hell of a drug, and if only one side gives it to those young people, they will be a lot more accepting toward it than towards the people shouting “fuck you for the doings of people looking like you in the past, with which you have nothing else in common. Like everything that we say and only that”.

  31. It is because gen z is being bombarded by wokeism. Even some of the most progressive and tolerant countries in Europe are becoming more conservative with younger generations. It is a reaction to the extreme wokeism being shoved down your throat in media these days.

    For example in my country the American overzealous focus on racism, gender and sexuality was never a thing, for decades. Now it is starting to become a thing. I blame the every decreasing size of the world due to social media. And I blame America. Fuck those people.

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