Swinney claims SNP still has a mandate for independence – even if they lose the general election

Swinney claims SNP still has a mandate for independence – even if they lose the general election

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. > John Swinney says his party still has a mandate for independence, even if they don’t win the most seats on Thursday.

    > The SNP’s manifesto says they can trigger independence talks if they win the most seats on July 4 – now John Swinney says this will happen even if they lose.

    > On Sunday Mr Swinney insisted SNP would still have a mandate for independence because they won the 2021 Scottish election.

    > He said: “I think it is a complex discussion. In 2021 the people of Scotland voted to elect a Scottish Parliament committed to delivering a referendum on independence.”

    > “The key thing is that mandate was given and that should be respected and honoured.”

  2. I’m going to be honest, even if he hypothetically *did* once then by the very act of betting it on the election he has lost it.

    He bet it all on this election; you do not get to retroactively unbet because the situation appears to be unfavourable.

    He can win a fresh mandate in 2026 if he loses here, but he has gambled his existing mandate by the choices he chose to make: He is the one who said that winning most seats would count as a mandate. Nobody forced the issue, so that means that not winning most seats is losing the mandate unless and until it can be reacquired.

    That’s how it works. If you tell the public “Vote for us to give us a mandate, vote against us to remove that mandate” you do not get to change your mind later.

  3. Really appreciating Swinney’s tireless efforts to tank Kate Forbes’ career. That’s the 5D chess going on here that you’re all missing. 

  4. An idiotic comment from an idiot. There’s not a current mandate for independence and if they tank in this one then it will be even less.

    Can they concentrate on actually fixing the stuff that they have ruined?

    Independence is as low as a priority as it can get.

  5. Every single Holyrood and WM election since and including 2011 has been convincingly won in Scotland by a manifesto containing Independence in it

    There’s no denying that, there’s no dismissing it, it happened and we all know it happened

  6. If, and it’s a big if, but if the snp have a mandate, why have they done nothing with that mandate?

  7. Labour are about to take winning this GE as a mandate to deny another and people against it are going to say yous lose the recent election there’s no mandate or appetite for another.

    Even though past 10 years elections have resulted in SNP picking up the most seats and the most recent Scot Gov election having over 50% of the vote share go towards independence supporting parties.

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