Derzeitige Todesrate in der Ukraine: ein Ukrainer auf sechs Russen – Selenskyj

Derzeitige Todesrate in der Ukraine: ein Ukrainer auf sechs Russen – Selenskyj

  1. Main points from article:

    President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that the ratio of irreversible losses among Ukrainians and Russians on the battlefield is now 1 to 6.

    **Source:** Zelenskyy in an interview with [The Philadelphia Inquirer](’s Trudy Rubin

    **Quote:** “Indeed, they (the Russians – ed.) have a much larger population, and we take care about our soldiers more [than they do]. Indeed, we will not have a larger population than Russia. However, for every six Russians, one Ukrainian dies today [on the battlefield].

    [Previously] we had figures approximately four times (1 to 4 – ed.), and now on the Kharkiv and Pokrovsk fronts, the numbers are 1 to 6.

    No, I am not implying that we must fight till the end and that we have enough people. I just wanted to let you know that all these discussions about a vast number of people, millions of Russians… Yes, they are correct, but the war is technological, and whoever owns more technologies will prevail.”

  2. Its always hard to believe numbers that come directly from one side or the other here. They both have incentives to exaggerate the numbers for their own cause. All the popular YouTubers also obtain their reports from one side, until a truly independent source can give us the tally Ill just have to assume it’s going very poorly for Russia as their 3 Day Special Operation has yet to conclude.

  3. This is how it goes in any war Russia fights, surplus bodies to throw at the fight is their strength.

  4. My understanding based on a US reports and UK Reperts is probably closer to 1 – 2 or 1 – 3 in favour if Ukrainians.

  5. Even if numbers from both sides are clearly used with propaganda purposes (which isn’t weird at all, actually), even if the actual ratio were 1:3 it’s still a catastrophe for the “second best army in the world” to be getting their ass kicked by a country with not that much strength and depending on foreign aid.

  6. If I remember correctly reading a book about warfare, it stated that attacking forces need about a 1:10 ratio in personnel to successfully overcome defensive forces.

  7. I hope everyone knows that this isn’t possibly true. Ukraine and Russia have been down playing their casualties and exacerbating its killed.

    Best way to tell if casualties are bad is looking at how many people each side is attempting to recruit or conscript. Judging how Ukraine called for 500k new troops and Russia has had its multiple waves of mobilization last year. Ain’t looking too hot.

  8. Note, that Ukraine is now defending against the russian offensive. Defenders have often like 3:1 kill/death ratio.

  9. Except the target is the one who began the war, you know, Putin?

    So the real headline should read: More human beings senselessly die at the hands of bureaucratic war games.

  10. If that number is correct, is it a good enough ratio for the Ukrainians ? Russia will throw anyone’s sons at them.

  11. The level of delusion in this headline is astonishing.
    I’d say the same if it was the russian side making the claim.

    Not sure if reddit is full of delusional idiologs or bots.

  12. And all 7 of those deaths are pointless at this stage. Russia won’t win. They need to leave.

  13. How can we help Ukraine to make that number even higher? 1:20 shouldn’t be unrealistic. It’s a war of attrition. Let Ukraine win the attrition.

  14. This is a heavy price for Ukraine. They are losing about 166 warriors a day. This is a lot. Russia seems not to care about its losses which I think should have already caused an uproar.

  15. But if Russia looses a 1000 people a day, that’s still 167 dead Ukrainians every day

  16. Putin is only showing Xi how easy it will be to take the Russian Far East.

  17. Generally an army on defense fighting from prepared positions will take far less casualties than one on the offensive that has to advance under fire so Zelenskyy’s figures may indeed be spot on or close.

  18. While maybe it’s not the real number. It could be possible given history in the winter war and Ww2.

  19. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense releases daily estimates of killed Russians but nobody contests those because they seem reasonable for the conflict on a daily basis.

    When you add it all up however, people with limited math skills and no head for numbers cannot comprehend the large accumulated total.

    They instead want to believe that Ukrainians are just sitting around and struggling to find Russians to kill in an 857 day war with a minimum of 150,000-200,000 frontline soldiers at all times across thousands of Kim’s of front line, armed with hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons.

    The Pro-Russian shills also believe that Russian forces being sent in on Chinese motorcycles, golf carts or just walking in on foot are dying at near peer rates to the defending Ukrainians but are also struggling to advance.

  20. Russia’s (and China’s) strategy is to clog the meat grinder. They’re totalitarian dictatorships, so they don’t give a flying fuck about the lives of their people. Their soldiers exist solely to make the other side run out of ammo. That’s why aid to Ukraine is so important. Ukraine can’t win even with an extreme K/D ratio alone. They have to win through greater patience.

  21. Given both countries population that kindda evens. It needs to increase to 1:10 or more for eventual victory!

  22. Is this not a violation of human rights within RUSSIA? I guess whenever a country wants to go to war all it has to do is invade a few weak, high-population countries and grab their population to turn ’em into “soldiers” and puke ’em onto some battlefield.

  23. I did dumb math early on, and came to the conclusion that Ukraine would need to maintain 5:1 to maintain a stalemate. So I guess they’re doing ok now. My numbers were based solely on available population to draft from

  24. Ukraine presents a lower casualty on side lower and that of Russian Forces much. Russia does the same, but in reverse. Maybe if you average the numbers together, you might get a better count.

  25. Since reddit only allows one sided (ukr) stories, it is nothing more than propaganda. A real number can be 0.2 or 10 even. We’ll never know :/


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