Oleksandr Hrytsiuk was tortured to death in Russian captivity. He spent almost 1.5 years in Vyazemskoye Detention Center-2, a prison that was turned into a death camp.

Oleksandr Hrytsiuk was tortured to death in Russian captivity. He spent almost 1.5 years in Vyazemskoye Detention Center-2, a prison that was turned into a death camp.

by UNITED24Media

  1. His wife was shocked when she received Oleksandr’s body. It was damaged, had scars and signs of torture: the nose was dislocated and there were no nails on the fingers. Moreover, the body showed signs of starvation. Before he was captured, Oleksandr weighed about 110 kilograms. Afterward, he was nothing but skin and bones, according to his wife.

    His cellmates reported that Oleksandr was repeatedly beaten, especially for speaking Ukrainian. Prison guards forced him and other captives to stand still for hours, often with their hands raised. He and other POWs received little or no food. Once, Russian guards gave them scraps of dog food covered in fur.

    Nevertheless, after Oleksandr died, the Russians sent the body to a hospital to declare the cause of death as “pneumonia”.

    Source: texty.org.ua

  2. Let me guess, it is also JuSt PuTin who makes those prison guards behave like cast from some torture porn horror film?

  3. Concentration camps in the 21st century… and the international community doesn’t put a stop to it. Shame on humanity.

  4. And this is going to happen to more, and worse, if Ukraine isn’t able to strike all of Russia with all weapons. Until then, every restriction on Ukraine is only benefiting Russia

  5. So fucking sad.
    The bastards that did this deserve to rot from the inside out, very slowly
    God bless the hero
    May his death go 10,000 times avenged.
    Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦

  6. I saw this earlier and it made me cry. There was also an interview with his wife 💔. Rest in peace Sasha im sorry for what they did to you.

  7. This exceeds war crime and veers into crime against humanity. These POW photos get worse as war goes on, which is a very scary thing. Those that manage to survive will require long rehabilitation and carry lifelong trauma.

    Russia is grinding it out in hopes of a shift in funding and tactics post-election cycle in USA and worldwide. People need to research candidates in their local area/country and cast their vote accordingly.

  8. What I don’t understand is how come the White House is not holding a press conference and showing this to the American population and the world.

  9. This is just one example of atrocities committed by ruZZia.

    ruZZia deserves to get wiped off every map, and ruZZians never be allowed to form their own state ever again.

  10. Animals. They will get their just deserts. They deserve everything that’s coming to them. They will be begging for help when they are stomped into the ground. It’s sad that nato does not send in troops to obliterate the scum that is the Russian leaders.

  11. Sick fucks. Absolutely disgusting and reminiscent of the atrocities in WW2.

  12. This is humanity at its worst. How can any decent person possibly support or accept such a monstrous regime?

  13. So sad, brings my blood to boil…

    Since I can not imagine, how poeple can be so cruel and trying to have a rational explanation, this reminds me the Stanford prison experiment run out of control.

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