Warwick: Tory student group apologises over video ‘showing members singing and dancing to Nazi song’

Warwick: Tory student group apologises over video ‘showing members singing and dancing to Nazi song’


by topotaul

  1. Accusations of Antisemitism have been so hollowed-out (by, for example, the state of Israel using accusations of AS against legitimate anti-Zionist critics, or the cynical campaign to undermine Corbyn’s Labour with baseless insinuations of AS) that you can now sing along to actual Nazi songs whilst claiming to stand against Antisemitism in the NUS. Reminds me of how Keir Starmer claimed to have ‘dealt with’ the Antisemitism problem in the Labour Party – whilst suspending dozens of left-wing Jewish activists who were critical of his leadership, to the extent that Jewish members are now *13 times more likely* to be suspended than non-Jewish members.

    The real losers in this situation are ordinary Jewish Britons, who remain subject to horrendous Antisemitism in all areas of society on a daily basis – especially at the hands of state institutions that are run by former Nazi-song-singing Tory students. But their treatment is largely ignored in favour of spotlighting politically motivated falsified AS accusations against the left.

    TL;DR: stop letting rabid antisemites and actual Nazis LARP as defenders of British Jews.

  2. “oops, our bad” is not really much of an apology or taking responsibility.

    Maybe this can be made into a good lesson on consequences.

  3. Just like Prince Harry with his dress up back in the day. They all secretly fantasize over having absolute ruling power over everyone poorer than them

  4. What they have always been, they will always be.

    Don’t fucking vote for Nazis.

  5. Shame they didn’t follow it up with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEYQzK2FMJM).

    Of course, the browbeaten German military no longer, it seems, sings such songs; but what will be the difference for us who ‘won’ the war? A few decades’ reprieve?

    ‘Heart of Oak’ and [especially ‘Rule Britannia’](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68034779) shall likely perforce go by the wayside, as ‘relics of the age of slavery’.

    Yes, they will [still be singing ‘Kill the Boer’](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbtrV29N5ZQ) in South Africa, but that has nothing to do with anything, naturally.

    Probably [Nelson will then go from his column](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/22/toppling-statues-nelsons-column-should-be-next-slavery); naturally [the Mau Mau monument](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-34231890) we were taxed 90k to build (as part of a settlement of millions) will stay, which likewise cannot have anything to do with anything (no, there shall be no ‘moral calculus’ to weigh the relative merits of us and the Mau Mau, or Nelson and the alternative: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin is old hat by now).

    Anyone who thinks this will not happen, I invite to think very carefully what measures could be put in place now to take effect should they be proved wrong; if you don’t care to do so, I don’t see how there is much difference between you and those who are content with it happening (to whom I say yah boo).

  6. How is this a Nazi song? It’s still sung by the German army to this very day, it was written before 1933. It’s a marching song for the army, the solider having his girlfriend waiting for him at home. No political component to it

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