John Swinney: SNP would work with Labour to boost migration to Scotland

John Swinney: SNP would work with Labour to boost migration to Scotland

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. Given our shrinking working age pop it could make sense. But it’s just a continuation of the last 15 -20 years where we have imported labour to boost GDP while ignoring GDP per head has been stagnating. Also given we have housing crises in most major cities where do said workers live?

  2. Labour’s Scottish mouthpiece (Dame Jackie) suggested that Labour would be willing to consider devolving some powers around immigration, so if these two fuckwits can come up with a reasonable plan for this, then all the better.

  3. Just make it easier for people to have a family – cutting the social housing budget by £200m, missing the house building targets, allowing rampant landlordism (Yousaf’s parents owned 13 rental properties and his wife owned 1 rental), not doing anything about wage stagnation and finally the useless rent cap that inflated rent by 20% means we’re putting off having more children to sustain the population.

    Unless those issues are solved more migration just results in higher rent and further suppression of wages.

    The SNP are so out of touch – they’ve nothing to promise the young.

  4. The SNP still not answering the eternal question of why the current crop of migrants are avoiding Scotland in the first place.

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