After a Russian tank is disabled, one of its crewmembers is set on fire and targeted by a grenade

After a Russian tank is disabled, one of its crewmembers is set on fire and targeted by a grenade

by part46

  1. Should have stayed in Russia. Doesn’t matter if they are in a tank, a mobile shed, golf cart or motorbike – same result.

  2. Tell someone you won’t face your maker naked when he damns you to hell. Better have non-flammable underwear.

  3. Just a shit day mate, dust off and ready for the next one…. Oh. Have you tried staying home?

  4. Every shell that he shot was meant to kill and mangle defenders of Ukraine so why should I give a crap about a Russky being killed and mangled on Ukrainian soil?

  5. Why do their clothes burn so well? Is there a liquid in the grenade? Or is is polyester cloth that burns well on its own?

  6. Being dead he is replaced by cannon fodder in days and buried quick and silently. Only his mum will know.

    Left alive but heavily wounded, he will take up resources like doctors and bandages for month and years, be a living warning to all new recruits and he will tell his story, for all to hear.

  7. Do mainland russians not have access to these videos? Are they not seeing the carnage that is this war? Serious question 🤔

  8. Ever since prisons dried up majority of these guys are there voluntarily hoping to cash in on contract salary. So they know why they are there, no mercy, serves them right

  9. Naked burning to death in a hot dirty field. Your country has abandoned you. Your comrades have abandoned. You would’ve never thought you would welcome the enemy with open arms. Begging for a mercy kill. Fucken awful.

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