🇺🇦 soldier returning to ‘normal’ / civilian life bursts into tears after being at yhr front

🇺🇦 soldier returning to ‘normal’ / civilian life bursts into tears after being at yhr front

by ibloodylovecider

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  2. Heartbreaking!! The steep price of the Ruzzzzzian invasion!!! Ruzzzzzia is a TERRORIST STATE!!!

  3. All the fighting and repelling the invaders, all worth it when you see your people still living a semblance of a normal life. The more you want to destroy the invaders so you can lead a normal life

  4. It’s a relay race, soldier. The civilians take the baton now. God bless you.

  5. I want to see thousands more of these video’s because the war is over and Ukraine is free.

  6. He fought for something most of us take for granted, and most likely will never understand the value of.

    May his days be filled with life.

    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  7. That’s beautiful to witness. Russia have no idea what they’re up against. You can’t change people of this resolve.

  8. This is such a difficult place Ukraine is in. The older fighters stood up right away and have been fighting for a long time. They need a break. The younger Ukrainians will have to step into the void to give these older soldiers a break. Fuck Putin.

  9. What is the Slava nazi shit? People saying this are probably not helping their cause with the west. With that asked, Slava Ukraine! Welcome back home hero 🇺🇦

  10. You did what was asked. I am far away but I respect you for what you have endured. Cry at will and stand tall. Slava Ukraini

  11. This is what a true Hero does when he returns home. He cries for the welcome because it symbolizes the loving nation that he’s fighting for. He cries for comrades he lost and for those still fighting.

    And it’s because of those comrades he left behind that soon in the coming weeks such a hero will also cry when he tells his family that he actually must return to the front lines to share their burden, once again.

  12. And it’s just Ukraine. Anyone that thinks otherwise is misled, naive, or part of the problem. These warriors are keeping the lowest and darkest side of humanity at bay.

  13. That’s gotta be rough. Closest thing I can muster is coming home from a deployment that was pretty rough and eating Burger King two days later. You just feel different. That’s gotta be rough knowing he has to go back again shortly with no pre-deployment buildup to do.. ya know life

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