Jacob Rees-Mogg tells young Tories party has ‘lost its way’

Jacob Rees-Mogg tells young Tories party has ‘lost its way’


by Disillusioned_Pleb01

  1. Yeah, they made Rees Mogg a minister for a while which was a clue they’d gone off the rails.

    You know, the man evil enough to try and gerrymander and stupid enough to tell everyone he’d done it.

  2. Ahhh I wondered where the Victorian Pencil had fucked off too. Hes been very quiet.

  3. He’s a huge part of it.

    I wouldn’t trust the cunt to make a cup of tea, and if you can’t make a decent cup of tea, then what’s the fucking use of you?

  4. The utter dick,!

    Well Dick Turpin tbh. Robs from the poor gives to himself and all in the 1730’s 😏

  5. Rumour has it he was visited by three ghosts last Christmas but he had one of his servants chase them off with a shotgun.

  6. All the while you’ve been a formative figure in the direction it’s took.

    Or did you miss that part out?

  7. Pees-Smog, the Workhouse Owner telling the Serfs the gruel ration is getting cut again……….and it’s all their fault.

  8. The end game for any conservative style party is extreme right wing fundamentalism. We generally call them terrorists.

  9. The working class and poor don’t want the tories siphoning money for the rich while failing upon every promise they’ve ever made and making life a great struggle for the majority in the country. suprise, suprise

  10. He’s technically not wrong, but he’s part of the prime examples of that happening.

  11. The right honourable member for the 17th century says we didn’t implement workhouses and remove all benefits therefore failed as Tories

  12. He then went onto say that any future government would need to secure a trade deal with the Hanseatic League, deal with a resurgent Prussia, and quell rebellion in the colonies.

  13. Imagine being a young *anything* and thinking: “Why, yes, I’ll go and unironically listen to Jacob Rees-Mogg for quite a long time.”

  14. He really just means the overt racism. He wants it hidden so that it prevents any embarrassing incidents in the press. He still thinks everything else the Tories have done to increase poverty and homelessness is hunky dory.

  15. I am not excited for year upon year of “We want our ideology but not the consequences of our ideology”.

  16. Very true. The ‘Tories’ should drop ‘Conservatism’ and become a true Tory party again (this may mean Rees-Mogg as a Catholic may become unable to hold office, but still).

    Failing that, a planning system which was devolved to seek merely the majority of adjacent landowners’ approval would do much to improve building (and NIMBYs would become just that).

  17. Anyone listening to this pointless poindexter needs their head examined.

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