2024 French legislative election

  • An early legislative election is being held in France on 30 June 2024, with a second round on 7 July, to choose all 577 members of the 17th National Assembly of the Fifth French Republic. The election follows the dissolution of the National Assembly by President Emmanuel Macron, who decided to call a snap election in the aftermath of the 2024 European Parliament election in France in which the opposition National Rally made substantial gains against his L'Europe Ensemble list. The latter lost a considerable number of seats compared to the 2019 parliamentary election.

  • The legislative election features four main blocs:Ensemble, the coalition of pro-Macron forces including Renaissance, the Democratic Movement, and Horizons; the New Popular Front (NFP), bringing together the main parties of the left, including La France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, The Ecologists, and the French Communist Party; the National Rally (RN), which also jointly supported several dozen candidates backed by Éric Ciotti of The Republicans (LR) in addition to its own candidates; and the vast majority of other LR candidates, who were supported by the national investiture committee of the party.

  • Pre-election opinion polls suggested that high turnout and the level of tripolarisation of the electorate between Ensemble, the New Popular Front, and the National Rally could lead to an unprecedented number of three-way runoffs in the second round of the election. Analysts also noted that the consolidation of the electorate behind these three main political forces could also result in total institutional deadlock after the elections in the event that no bloc has the votes to secure support from an absolute majority of the National Assembly, which could force Macron to call a second snap election as soon as a year after the 2024 election.

Live feed from France24 and English live video (thx u/quitaskingmetomakean)


by BkkGrl

  1. Exit poll:

    RN and allies – 34,0%
    New Popular Front – 28,1%
    Ensemble – 20,3%
    The Republicans + Independent centre-right – 10,2%
    Independent centre-left – 1,8%.

  2. No one knows jack about how this ends up and anyone telling you otherwise has an agenda.

  3. how does their election work, why they are having two rounds of parliamentary elections?

  4. Can somebody explain what a three way race is and if it’s good or bad for NFP or RN?

  5. Just curious, if either of the left or Macron stand aside, would the coalition win?

  6. As a french person, pissed and saddened, and afraid for the next presidential elections. I hope all of this fucking fails and people learn not to trust the far right again.

  7. “We will withdraw our candidacy”

    Jean-Luc Mélenchon announces that the New Popular Front will withdraw its candidates if it comes in 3rd position behind the RN. “Not one vote, not one more seat for the RN,” insists the rebellious leader.

  8. This is proving once again that proportional representation is a formidable fence against extremism. Winning a majority with 34% of the vote is extremely undemocratic.

    Labor in the UK should think hard about it when they’re enjoying a massive majority, Farage is expected to win his race and will consume the British right very soon.

  9. Oh, this is today? Wait, wasnt this announced after the british election, yet happens before it?

  10. Globalist policies and trying to drag France into conflict with Russia have its consequences.

  11. The French people have spoken. Woe betide any that wish to ignore it now.

  12. It’s certainly interesting watching the French elections- especially if RN end up with a majority. Seems like a lot of what they want to change would be difficult under current EU laws so the question is will the EU be flexible or not to RN demands? And if they aren’t flexible what would be the next step for RN.

  13. So, with the far-right winning everywhere can we say multiculturism has failed?

  14. r/france and their 72,1 % nfp opinion in shambles rn.

    Quite funny to see them keep the arrogant, despicable Parisian bourgeois behaviour tho

  15. So what are the chances that in the second round the NFP tell their voters to vote for Macron ?

  16. Macron should side with the left in the second round or he will always be remembered as the Nazi enabler.

  17. The cool thing about this election is that the RN can no longer be considered “extreme”.

    Given such percentages and popular endorsement, it is a mainstream right-wing party at this point.

    The notion of “faire barrage” thus appears mostly as intellectual laziness and unwillingness to follow the proper democratic process of discussing and judging ideas on their merit rather than resorting to ad-hominem attacks and fear-mongering.

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