Why Western Sanctions Against Russia FAILED – PHD In Electrical Engineering Explains | Ukraine War

Why Western Sanctions Against Russia FAILED – PHD In Electrical Engineering Explains | Ukraine War

Mr ve you’ll be staying Anonymous for this but I really do thank you for reaching out to me and a few people who watch my videos they will somewhat be aware of who you are uh you’re a PhD holder and you’ve helped me out with some information to educate myself as well about chips in this war and look can you just introduce I guess who you are what your background actually is yeah of course of course thank you Matt for having me here uh as you said I’m a PhD in electrical and electronics engineering and my specialty is in Communications uh I never worked for a defense company directly but as the university and defense industry collaboration I worked I did some work aligned with defense industry uh so I I have a good grasp on the electronics part of this and I I can share my educated guesses with you and audience mate and we really thank you so much because I know you and I correspond a little bit through some encrypted apps as well as uh some email and a lot of the stuff you’re telling me I’m like I don’t know what this is it’s so hard to sort of dig cped uh because I’m I don’t people know I struggle to open a PDF document but I really do appreciate that um but the biggest thing I guess that you’ve opened my eyes to and something we’ve seen become very obvious through this war was in the beginning of this and I even would have reported on this and many others reported on this including officials we were expecting the Western Monopoly on chips to have a huge effect on Russia’s ability to produce highlevel electronic weapon systems and we haven’t really seen much or if any effect on that there was a CB CBC article maybe only yesterday the day before that spoke that Russia’s actually increased the amount of missiles it can make and new variance coming in so can you just give us a brief overview I guess of why that is in your opinion well uh I can try to make it brief but it might also not be brief I’m sorry about this that’s I believe I believe there are three reasons behind the myth that Russia can’t produce electronics for their weapons and the this meth started at the beginning of the war I guess uh some Ukrainian soldiers get their hands on uh the circuits of the Russian cruise missiles that hit Kev and that region and they check the component uh in those circuits and they listed all the components that are produced in the Western countries or that are produced for the Western companies and the thing that they failed to uh grasp is that they never considered if these chips are exclusively produced in Western companies so I guess in the beginning of the war the Russian uh weapons had more Western Electronics than now because uh even though Russia had the capacity to produce those chips it didn’t because it wasn’t financially feasible to produce them I mean why would you produce those chips if you can buy them cheaply and some of the chips that they listed on those uh I don’t know maybe this was a csis report one of the chips was lm324 and this chip was designed in 1972 so they assumed that there is no there is no component that can work for 322 even after 50 years so they never considered that these chips might also be produced in China these chips or their analoges might be produced in China so that Russia might make small alterations in their circuits and then they can use them right they can restart their weapon production so this is the first part in my opinion that started this meting and the second part is that the West is the Western manufacturing has this mentality that I call Post scarcity research and development mentality so that they use always the best equipment and the most expensive equipment and they never consider the ER feasibility of using feasibility of having another way to produce these weapons the circuit and the best example is fpgas uh I guess you also shared one of my emails with your audience about fpgs at one point fpg explain that that again for those who haven’t seen that email what that actually is oh of course of course uh fpj stands for field programmable gate array and it’s basically a set of Lego blocks that you build your circuit and then in Western uh weapon they use this Lego blocks right away after the design but there’s another way to produce these weapons and it’s called npga this is funny because okay I’m going to come to this npga stands for mased programmed G it’s funny because p is in both of them but it means exactly the opposite thing fpj is programmable npj is programmed npga is final you can’t make alterations yeah so what Russia does is that they they use fpgs to design the weapons test the weapons and once they reach the final product they s to npgs and since all Western weapons uh use fpg even the engineers that that are raised with this research and development mentality didn’t consider the possibility that Russia might be using npga instead of fpgas uh and the West had a better grasp of the fpgi market I guess China entered the fpj market like 10 years ago but I’m not sure maybe a bit earlier but at least 10 years ago so they thought that if they can start Russia of fpgs they won’t be able to produce chips or and weapons but they were wrong because fpgs is a luxury it’s not an essential in weapon production and it actually you know has some advantages in some cases for example when you produce your weapon if you don’t know you are going to use the weapon and if you don’t know against which enemy you are going to use that weapon the ability to reprogram your processor comes in handy I you can make small alterations but for Russia it’s not a big deal because they produce it and they use it right away so it’s not a big deal you can use fpj there is no er uh there’s no advantage to using fpj and MPGs are cheaper if you are bulk producing and Russia definitely bulk produces them and MPGs are a bit faster but it’s like 30% faster or 30 plus% tested but speed is not an issue so it’s not about speed it’s about availability it’s about cost so the tornado s circuit that I shared with you before it uses MPG all over it and uh if the uh time stamps on those chips are correct they are produced somewhere between 2021 to 2023 so they can produce those ships yeah so early 2000s yeah no no uh 2021 to 2023 so early yeah in this decade yes and the final issue that you know raised to this myth that Russia can’t produce weapons is that most people believe that the weapons use the state of tart Technologies in their circles and most people know that know one thing about electronics and that is the transistor size they you know it’s the 3 nanometer 5 nanometer that stands for the transistor size when I was in high school uh people only know of the clock frequency so it’s like my PC has three GHz of processor and your PC has 2.6 GHz so my PC is better but it’s not that it’s not the case uh so now people forget about the clock frequency because you know it become irrelevant actually and they all focus on the uh transistor size transistor size is important in in that if you have a smaller transistor you can have a higher CL frequency and your uh circuit will consume less power but the main issue here is that power is never an issue in a weapon I mean it’s an issue with your mobile phone but it’s an issue in a weapon and I’ll come to the clock from this later on uh okay the reason that your mobile phone or PC has high clo frequency is that your PC runs a web browser maybe steam maybe some Office programs all at the same time so the PC manufacturers can’t really anticipate the needs of the end users and this is why you need a higher CL frequency and you need an computing philosophy that’s called reduced instruction set Computing uh I’m going to call this risk risk allows your computer to run all this irrelevant unrelated uh applications all at the same time but if you are manufacturing C an electronic circuit for a tank you know what your tank needs you know that your tank doesn’t need a web browser you know that your tank doesn’t going to run M CER so you don’t have to have a high club frequency and actually I’m telling this as clock frequency I’m not saying that uh smaller the chip the faster the computation because higher CL Pro doesn’t always correlate with faster computation if maybe I’m going to be a bit technical here uh if your CH chip performs a competition in 200 clock Cycles let’s say two clock cycles and even if your clock frequency is 10 times higher it means that you are uh two times slower so this is the difference between the reduced instruction set Computing and the application specific integrated circuit which is called Asic and uh this is what tanks this is what most weapons have in them this is why you don’t need to have like 7even nanometer or 15 nomer architectures you can have 45 Nom 90 nomer architectures which are called mat Technologies and actually Engineers know of this but they didn’t really you know spoil the hype that was going on with the you know Russian production capacity and sorry Russian production capabilities about the chip size yeah I know for a fact that Russia has access to 45 nanometer and 90 nanometer architectures uh I don’t know their capacity their production capacity but I know that they have access to those so access to is to produce them as well yes they they can domestically produce them yes so I I just want to like really break this down simply because I know you’re speaking at a very high level and there’s people in my audience who are very high level but I’ll put myself at the bottom basically what what I guess you’re saying is if Russia wanted to produce iPhones they might have a problem but an iPhone has all this other stuff it does it runs Snapchat and Instagram and PDFs and all this other stuff and GPS and this and that but so it needs really high-end chips within it but a weapon system say a missile or a shell or whatever it has a single job it is point A to point B bounce off a couple of signals or this or that it’s it’s a much simpler electronic circuit so you’re not relying on these absolute then state-of-the-art uh equipment electronic equipment then within it so therefore the uh chips that Russia can produce which may be from you know 10 20 years ago of when they were state of thee art that’s why it hasn’t had an effect on the weapons that if an iPhone Factory in Russia May struggle with the sanctions but if a weapons Factory using older technology we’re not seeing that struggle is that Baseline correct it’s exactly correct that’s and larger transistor size architectures and it can still be high end it can still be refined but uh so it doesn’t mean that the weapons use like discarded Electronics they still use good Electronics but the good electronics that Russia can produce but other than that yes of course Russia can Russia will probably have problems with producing iPhones producing PCS and uh as I shared with you in an email they can’t produce uh chips for uh civilian uh Communications like the 3G 4G 5G base stations but for weapons they wouldn’t have any problems whatsoever but those base stations I think from the email uh they won’t have too much problem now with China and Huawei is that correct yes that’s exactly correct and if you remember correctly so sorry if you remember uh when us introduced some sanctions to China they targeted Huawei they didn’t Target xiaomi because Huawei is way more dangerous for the west and shomi and Hua producers Hua challenged the Western Doo on this Market in the past only Qualcomm that’s an American company that works business to business so most people don’t know qualcom but they are huge actually and Ericson produced those chips now huawe also entered the market and Destroy This Doo and Russia wouldn’t have problems with these chips as well right yeah so Russia could just buy them from China from Huawei even sanctioned I guess yeah of course of course I mean they can buy directly from huwei or if Huawei wants to look good for the Western uh audience Western countries they might use intermediaries like maybe Armenia or Kazakhstan or turkey it’s possible I mean yeah of course that’s what someone brought up on an interview is are you going to have inspectors sitting on the Russian Chinese border inspecting exactly what is going across it’s not realistic you’re not going to have this it’s exactly the same as we’ve seen starlings popping up in Russia too yeah of course and the thing is that ER some of the chips that Russia uses in their weapons some of them might even be getting prod in the Western countries if they are ordered through intermediaries the thing is that from looking at the circuit design it would be hard to understand if that circuit is for weapon or for any other purpose so if you order from a let’s say from Singapore or from Hong Kong from India it would be hard for the Western companies to track if those chips end up in uh Russian weapons yeah yeah that that it it it makes sense and and it it plays into why you know we thought and I will fully say I I was I thought this that we would start seeing a absolute choke hold on Russian equipment uh particularly weapons and we we then haven’t seen that and that that makes sense I was almost under the opinion that Russia couldn’t produce uh any any chips uh in the beginning and of course we know that and you’re clearing up they can but not exact maybe architecture type at the high high end yeah that’s uh that’s exactly the case uh maybe sorry I thought that Russia would struggle with some sensors because some weapons use some very specialized sensors that ER are not directly related to these uh architectures and I thought that Russia might not have access to them so I was expecting a drop in the Russian weapon quality as the war progressed but I didn’t see any drop I don’t know if you saw a drop in the Russian weapon quality but I didn’t so I believe that Russia can produce their sensors domestically as well or they can buy them from China yeah I I will say I haven’t noticed any any shift in to say the missile and sense quality or drones if anything it’s probably uh increased yeah I agree with you I mean if you cons consider that Iran even after the all those sanctions can produce quite nice drones uh then why wouldn’t you expect Russia to produce at least weapons of similar quality I guess this was kind of bestern supremacist point of view as well they thought that they they have an inherent superiority over uh Russia for some reason and they thought that if they didn’t sell chips to Russia Russia wouldn’t find them anywhere else but I’m now conjecturing here I’m straight of electronic sorry about that no no not at all and why do you think it is that you know we this myth came around that you know there would be a choke hold within months on uh Russian equipment and why that you know it was being announced by officials and you’ve said something interesting about scientists like yourself and some language you may use uh that a politician may not understand exactly the meaning of that if you can explain this oh of course of course actually this is what we saw with the antix moment as well the science has a different jargon than the everyday life when a scientist or an engineer examin something for example if I’m reviewing a paper from another uh researcher I never said say this is wrong I say that this doesn’t make sense to me or I say that it seems implausible it seems improbable I never say it’s impossible I never say it’s this is the jargon with the uh science and going back to antifa moment most of the research papers about you know the regarding whether vaccines cause autism they say that they couldn’t find a link between vaccines and autism they say that it’s improbable that vaccines might lead to autism but they mean that they don’t it’s final but they can’t use this finality in their words and ER I also noticed that most of the reports and some of the popular science magazines are actually written by non-engineers they are like historians or uh policy makers and they might not even consult some engineers in those in those reports and then finally the Western decision makers make a final decision I guess that they also ask the opinion of the engineers and checking what the engineers said and checking what the other reports prepared by non-engineers said they think that okay if we close this this is a uh this this might be a long shot thing but we can still close an Avenue for Russia to produce these weapons I guess this was the mentality behind them but the problem here is that that mentality continued later on we didn’t see a drop in the weapon quality as you said and they made a n claim that Russia is using chips from washing machines in their uh electronics This Is How They Contin their uh state of mind let’s say by introducing new ideas which are also incorrect in my opinion yeah and can you tell us about because I’ve never worked on electronics in my life because there was a myth like the one you brought up that Russia is you know stealing washing machines for the electronics and as well uh someone on my podcast who obviously isn’t as educated as as yourself and I played into this because I thought it seemed doable uh could be stripping Electronics out of uh PCS or phones or whatever can you talk tell us about the challenge that that would bring and the necessity it may not be there that Russ would need to do this at all but there there are several reasons behind this and the first one is that ER if any of your audience try to uh theholder an a chip from a circuit they would know that it’s not easy I don’t know if they have a they have a machine that you know mess dis holders uh equipment and during the dish soering you apply heat to all of the uh pins of the chips and this might damage the Chip And this is one reason that you wouldn’t do that and the second reason is actually that this is kind of impossible you would have I mean if you tell technician I worked with very good technicians they do things that I can’t even dream of as an engineer and if you a very good technician if you say that your life depends on removing this chip safely he can do this but it’s not feasible you you are going to get just one chip and Russia uses it’s not just Cruis it’s the T missiles it’s the crn shells they you use Electronics in everywhere in war so it would be extremely imposs extremely improbable to keep up this soldering chips this way and of course there are many other issues like you won’t be disordering you won’t be getting a mainstream chip so you might need to design your circuits differently for each chip that you get for each model of washing machine that you are dish soering you are scraping for parts and you have to test all of these and then uh it would take an impossible amount of time to deal with this it would uh D damage your reliability you want your weapons to be reliable and this is also why they use this 45 to 90 mm architectures they’re more reliable this is why they are called mature not Technologies and if you use custom so not custom random chips in all of your electronics all of your circuits then they won’t be reliable and one final issue is that even the chips the pins won’t align directly so it would be I there are some pin X standers that you can use in your circuits but again with the T circuit that I shared with you there were no PX standers there there and all of the chips stated their uh manufacturing date all of the chips stated a not a serial number sorry a model number and that model number was in her alphabet so I’m pretty sure they were all produced for this purpose I’m pretty sure none of them came out from a washing machine how many chips Ju Just Like A a rough number like like a missile like that how many chips are we talking would be inside something like this oh that’s impossible to answer and that’s also depends on the definition of Chip because it doesn’t have a common definition I mean we all agree that processors are chips mhm but uh do we agree that Regulators are also chips you can have uh some complex Regulators that regulat voltage levels in the circuit and some people might consider them as chips some people don’t some of them look like chips some of them don’t so when you look at that t circuit some of the things that are in there like some comparators or operational amplifiers when I say chip I usually don’t mean them okay so and it also depends on the weapon it depends on the weapon the redundancy as I mentioned in an email to you you want your weapon to be you know reliable so even if let’s say that closing weapon system hit your cruise a few times you still want your Cruis to work right yes uh so you design your circuits in a redundant way so if one of the uh chips fail the others take on but it depends on the design it depends on a lot of things but the tornado system that I shared with you had three processors all with the same model number this is why I assume that all three of them are redundant but that circuit was multi level so I can’t really see the connections and I don’t know if even I see the connections I can deduce the uh reasoning behind the connections but my educated guest is that they use those Street chips as a redundancy in case one fails that that would make sense for a weapon because I guess reli Simplicity is reliability and a weapon system you know reliability is first and foremost of many many systems of everything um and having redundancies on board so for Russ sorry let me just interject here I don’t know if you had this experienced the blue screen in the last one month or two months but in the last one month I experienced blue screen device in my computer so what do you think a blue screen would look like if you have it in a cruise mile so like it just it would just go off course like if it blue screen on a computer it’s just nothing it work yeah I yes but I have no idea what po would look like like you chis I’m pretty sure that they don’t have blue scens they are extremely reliable and the the Simplicity also introduces extra reliability as you said and this is why there don’t have blue screens it’s the Paramount it’s of Paramount important it’s not the speed it’s not the power consumtion it’s reliability yes um with with these chips so like a 45 nanometer 90 is there any component in the production of these that we that the West could actually sanction realistically or does Russia have everything from the raw materials to the technology and the people to build these is there anything in that that could actually realistically be sanctioned uh I don’t think so I mean the those chips also require some advanced chemicals and when you go into the uh smaller transistor size some of those Advanced chemicals are only produced by German or us companies but with 45 to 90 Nom if we consider China and Russia collectively I’m pretty sure that they have everything they need I guess Russia itself also has everything it needs but this is my educated guess yeah and I guess that’s why we haven’t seen a droing uh the production or uh the reliability of those weapon systems over the last couple of years which I think everyone thought and everyone was I think reliant on that there’s only going to be you know whatever Russia’s got in store plus some you know stores of chips and then we’re going to see them not be able to produce this is there any systems that Russia uses that you maybe just as a guess won’t be able to produce is there any systems you you’d think would um primarily use chips that they wouldn’t be able to domestically produce uh apart from the civilian Communications chips that I mentioned no I guess they have access to everything and as I told you before if the sensor call if they had if they didn’t have access to a call sensors then they we we would have seen a drop in the weapon quality we would have seen a drop in the weapon performance at this point it’s now two and a half years so no I I don’t think we can sanction them in any way electronically that that it’s it’s really interesting it really opened my mind to it because you know I was purely speculating when I when I talked about this but you I guess give a technical analysis to why we hav seen that and I think I think this is a learning point for the West that they don’t now hold the Monopoly uh on bits of Technology maybe like these chips uh and that could again have an effect from I guess the unipolar to multipolar sort of Global Order we’re going into and technology is going to be a big part of this yeah I agree with you I mean uh I still believe the West has the lead in the chip production I’m not really sure about the Chinese production uh capabilities as I written to you in an email I don’t follow the Chinese capabilities day today they might be producing 15 nanometer chips they might even be producing seven I don’t know I know that they can produce 20 and that’s what I know but the thing is that it’s not relevant in terms of weapons and you know in 19 1990s when Russia and China didn’t take any of these things even if the US had like worse chips older chips let’s say they had a huge Advantage from Electronics perspective they could do things that Russia and China couldn’t do couldn’t even dream of doing but at this point I mean let’s assume that you have uh teral Vision so let’s say that the US can see 14 kilometers with that with their terminal Vision systems and I’m just speculating I don’t know how deep Russia us can do but anyway let’s say that Russia can us can see 14 kilometers with termal vision Russia can see 12 kilometers is it a big importance I mean I don’t think so it’s a it’s still a lead it might still be advantageous at some points but it’s not like having night vision and not having Vision yes yeah of course yeah it’s closing that Gap from what was this to you know now this that yeah you bring up a good point it’s not like when we were in fighting the Taliban and we had night vision they didn’t it might be we’ve got slightly better they’ve got just a bit that’s not a Hu and that Advantage is getting uh is is getting closed rapidly yeah the uh advantage that you get is decrease it gets to a marginal point where you know having an extra capability would be I’m sorry I’m now conjecturing here about Warfare you been into war I haven’t but I guess at one point you still have the advantage but it could only be marginal yes yeah in technology like that I guess adds such a level of complexity as well as I’m guessing cost like I’m guessing a a missile that uses all 7 half or 50 m 15 nanometer chips is going to be more expensive to produce than one with 45s or 90s that’s just my guess and this is one of the issues we have seen with GPS jamming and whatever is if you’ve got high-tech complex bits of kit that can can then be jammed we’ve got a high-tech bit of equipment now is not Hightech because you’ve paid the massive amount of cost to then produce it well I I mean the transistor size is not related to uh gemming and the thing is that uh it’s not about the cost that they don’t use uh seven or 15 nanometer chips in their weapons if it was if they brought something uh to the table they would have usen them I mean at least the bestest would use 15 nom 7 nanom chips but they don’t bring anything extra they bring low power option which you don’t need they bring higher clock frequency which also you don’t need and they take away reliability this is why they don’t use them and jimming is something other than that but I agree with you that relying solely on technology might be detrimental at some point yes well Mr VA is there anything else we haven’t covered on on chips that you that you’d really you’d like to go over uh no no I guess this is all I can share at this point if you don’t have any other questions mate I don’t I know there’ll be a million questions under this but mate I really appreciate like I really really appreciate you uh reaching out to me and especially then uh hearing me explain some of it through message through like my videos and you go let’s jump on a podcast and do this so so I can talk about it because it’s inth I I really do then appreciate uh that as well you’re helping me and helping a lot out uh and really opening my eyes to uh the components within this and it’s it makes sense it makes sense of why a missile does not need all these components it doesn’t need to bring up a we web browser and Snapchat and all this other crap it does a very simple job but it needs to do that every single time um and and that that makes sense that you know 20y old technology from what would have been stateof thee art back then why could Russia and China now not produce that on mass it makes sense um so mate thank you very much yeah I mean I just remember I I don’t know if I told this the 90 nomers came to Market in 2003 and 45 nomer came to Market in 2007 so these are 20 year old Technologies and assuming that Russia and China can’t have access to 20 year old technology is kind of you know insane and uh thank you for the opportunity and thank you for the in invitation and I really like the way you report these things so I Like Your Balanced approach to the Warfare and this is my two SS that I shared with you thank you hi thank you very much you have a fantastic day yes sir by bye

Hey Legends, I would like to thank my guest for coming on and sharing this valuable information with myself! He would like to stay anonymous.

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Hey Legends, A huge thankyou for Mr V for helping me,

    This is the video he was referring to below, When we first spoke about the potential Russia has for modifying laser guidance into a Tornado S ''A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Tornado-S ammunition circuitry video. I notice that this circuit had too many jumper wires. Jumper wires are something that are frowned upon in circuit design. They are sometimes needed if your circuit has only two layers, but if your circuit is multi layered, you shouldn't be any need of jumper wires. This circuit is definitely multi-layered. The nut and bolt on the left of the video at 7:01 time stamp holds the layers together and connects the grounds or VDDs of all layers. So, there is no reason for the jumper wires.

    This makes me think that a modification to the circuitry is made at the last minute. It is impossible to say the modification, but it is plausible that Russian engineers MacGyvered an extra sensor to make the missile laser guided. Such modifications are child's play if you are dealing with FPGAs. But for the Tornado-S circuit, the processor is an MPGA, which is not programmable. Still, the MPGA might have been designed with the possibility of a future modification in mind, or some other guidance system might be overridden in favour of the laser guidance.''


  2. You seem to be struggling to understand that the first casualty of WAR is the TRUTH. The western sanctions had a different agenda than was stated. Some leaks in the messaging explained that the objective of the west was to get rid of Putin and break up Russia into parts by causing as much damage as possible with Ukrainian Live and no US lives.

  3. Guess which country :
    Recognizing polymorphic computer viruses, 1993
    Semiconductor heterostructures, 1968
    Manned Spaceship, 1961
    Nuclear-powered icebreaker, 1959
    Laser, 1954
    Atomic power plant, 1954
    Deciphering Maya scripture, 1952
    Transosseous compression osteosynthesis, 1951
    Automatic digital computer, 1948
    Artificial Heart, 1937
    Radiosonde, 1930
    Air ionizer, 1927
    Synthetic rubber, 1910
    Electromagnetic seismograph, 1906
    Foam firefighting, 1904
    Color photography, 1902
    Radio, 1895
    The First Virus, 1892
    Electric bus, 1889
    Photocell, 1888
    Centrifuge, 1879
    Electric tram, 1874
    Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, 1869
    Stereo camera, 1852
    Electromagnetic Telegraph, 1832
    Monorail, 1820

  4. Sanctions – A Sanction works only if the one that applies the Sanction does not need products from the person they are applying Sanctions on!
    Also if you apply a Sanction. against another. That person has not got to have the raw materials required to build the end product of the item that you have Sanctioned!

    Russia has and produces every precise metal required to manufacture virtually "everything"!!!
    Taiwan produces great chips………With materials provided by RUSSIA 🇷🇺.
    As I've tried to explain to you many times, "You cannot Sanction a country that provides the world with its raw materials!!" Or from the one saying you have learnt.
    The west "has the watches, but Russia has the time"!

  5. Taiwan produces fantastic chips……America Sanctioned China 🇨🇳
    Taiwans biggest trading partner is CHINA 🇨🇳!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the result of having Donkey's running the fu%king job…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. The St Petersburg International Economic Forum had over 19,000 world leaders, business leaders and media from 139 countries including Western countries! Also in June the first BRICS Games were held in Kazan. Athletes from 90 countries showed up. Like it or not, 85% of the world's countries are WITH Russia. Russia can get whatever it needs from or through these countries. Also, I'm the one who may still have relatives living in Ukraine.

  7. fella knows his stuff. the sort of stuff that could make a difference is newer chip designs and software tactics. say the west makes new AI chip designs that run autonomous software for drones. even if the russians capture one it would be hard to copy both hardware and software.

  8. Espionage 101……"the shopping list"….from what your advasery seeks, you learn the products he has not got……….you poor bugger you must be absolutely starving mate 😂😂😂😂😂

  9. Sanctions reduce supply and increase demand like war on drugs buys small town armored truck and small army.
    They set up a backdraft with starvation.
    Reflexivity they call it.

  10. Sanctions always work, the only issue is how tight they screw the bolts, and as you can guess they never screw it that tight. Most of the reasons are sighted because they are trying to punish the government, NOT THE PEOPLE PERIOD.

  11. Er…. I think this guy is an academic. There are a number of things that he says that are incorrect. First, I have no clue what he was getting with RISC – whether it's CISC or RISC has only has significance in designing CPUs. Users of CPUs don't care for 99.9999% of the time. Also, as to unsoldering surface mount chips, go look on Louis Rossman's videos on how to do this. Sure, it's a skill, but I know examples where a botched production run in China cause the production line to desolder a messed up NVRAM and put in a new one (now, this is probably only economically viable for China – anywhere else, it would have cheaper to trash the board since the board wasn't that expensive).

    As for the click bait title, first you have to define what the sanctions were supposed to do. If you define it as "bringing the ruskies to their knees", then that would be an unrealistic goal – Iran / N Korea has had strong sanctions, and they are still around and have a military. Why would anyone think the sanctions on Russia work any better? Now, if the goal was to degrade Russian potential, then they are working reasonably. Look at the asymmetry on drones. Or Starlink terminals? If there were no sanctions, then the Russians could get anything that the Ukrainians could get and this would not be a good thing.

    Technology ~ the year 2000 is pretty much ubiquitous, so if you can make things work with stuff from back then, then the sanctions won't do much, other than increasing the cost. But in warfare, the advantage goes to the side that is more nimble and creative with the resources available, and we see the Ukrainians leveraging COTS rather well.

  12. He was also talking about RISK processors, these processors are bigger in most cases and have switches, in comparison to CISC processors who use microprograming because this way they can be used for way more things. In practice RISK not much bigger because they use it for limited functions. In fact the M1 is ARM (Kind of RISK) processor and we are going back this way slowly to use everywhere RISK processors again because of speed and smaller nn makes it possible to make a bigger chip. M1 chip would look gigantic in 45nm. That's why they used CISC processors instead of RISK in the past.

  13. Common sense told us that the chip stories were laughable propaganda. Of course, why import and destroy washing machines or laptops when you build &can buy chips? Ignorant people just want to believe Russia is an illegitimate and backward country and that story for the narrative.

  14. Well,
    The best news in the last horrible three years is that this decrepit old abomination will be replaced.
    On the democratic party, for candidates,
    Andy besher refreshing change.
    Clean man without a screwed up family.
    We'll see

  15. Shows how western propaganda and hubris has done a number on legitimate analysts. Especially concerning how these sanctions were supposed to cripple Russia's military industrial complex.

    A lot of the Chinese and other nations military technology is a result of Russia and Soviet Union's willingness to transfer military technology to begin with so why would people believe they needed western parts to begin with.

    Any attemp to monopolize or contain the tech industry wether civilian or military has always been laughable. This effort only pushes other nations to produce alternatives that are often cheaper with less redtapes as we saw with Iran and its mass production of Drones or China's Huawei.

  16. A script would be nice since the quality of the sound is not very good.
    And I believe if you have night-vision googles which can discern an enemy at 400 yards, and the enemy can do this at 200 only, your advantage is not marginal – it is deadly crucial. Also, the question is wgqt is the percentage of the soldiers who actually have them.
    One point which was totally omitted – chips needed for the encrypted multi-layered communications.

  17. This is basic knowledge of modern electronics… the extent of the malice of politicians and media and other agents in play is only comparable to the ignorance and stupidity of the masses they are handling like cattle…

  18. The WEST failed long before they instigated the conflict with Russia. The US will face it's "1990 Soviet" dissolution. It happens to all EVIL imperialistic governments eventually, for the US it will occur within a decade. The decade that follows will be disaster for all Americans like it was for the Soviets.

  19. Thank you mate,, it was one of the most informative interviews I've read in recent times. you have done an excellent job, neutral, serious and with incredible regularity. all the best. hug from Portugal

  20. In Willy’s comments I’ve seen a lot of misconceptions about sanctions. Sanctions are only effective for the “carrot” – carrot being the lifting of sanctions, the “stick” is minimal, the stick – short term economic damage/pain. Long term sanctions are not effective due to the country eventually finding other markets/ways to produce. Even more true in today’s multi-polar world where there are markets specific for unfriendly western nations.

  21. Great recording. Thank you. Why would anyone think that Russia will be building weapons which depend on west? Given Soviet vs west standoff of the past?

  22. People forget that your smartphone has more computing power that what was used to get to the moon. Hell, a Ti-84 calculator has more..

  23. We RELY on Russian Rockets to get to The International Space Station. We have for DECADES..Russia has missiles that a 10 Times the speed of any Western missile. 7 times faster than the Chinese fastest. And all that is before the war in Ukraine.
    Those who thought Russia could not anything also believed you could catch a virus from a soup that had boiled for 3 hours at over 100 degrees Celcius.
    So like batsoup stupid our Leaders Made up the BS that Russia could not…the fact all the Batsoup stupid have not bothered to ask WHY?
    Is the real problem.

  24. 30 seconds recap….
    Russia has atleast 5 semiconductor chip factories…
    and for 99.9% weapons you font need high tech, 5 nanometer chip, coz weapons are not effected by 100 gram heavier chip or 300 grams heavier thermal batterie…
    maybee it will have 50 yards meters lower range, but that does not matter in reall war…
    and older tech is more reliable and eassier ,cheapper to produce…esc
    pecially in big numbers….
    so maybe having older tech is even a plus,not a minus😂😂

  25. Sanctions failed? They have been designed to gradually increase over time until it crosses over to ‘no going back’ and I feel that we are close to that and the bank runs and markets being closed the day the new ones were added. Now the Russian public is starting to feel that pinch and now Putin has to make the rounds to beg for help and supplies. Russia is not “winning” by any measure.

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