Russia Mocks ‘Hypocritical’ EU After Fresh Sanctions Over Ukraine War: ‘Their Only Lifeline…’

Russia Mocks ‘Hypocritical’ EU After Fresh Sanctions Over Ukraine War: ‘Their Only Lifeline…’

Putin’s top aide issued a warning to the U.S.-led West over fresh sanctions imposed on Moscow. Dmitry Medvedev said Russia ‘will not forget or forgive the West’s attempt to harm its people’. The Russian official claimed the restrictions will hurt Russia ‘far less than EU citizens and companies’. The comments come after the 14th package of EU sanctions was approved on June 14. Watch for more.


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  1. its time for russia to close some pipe line's for [ inspections ] and stop filling ships with oil and lng that is going to the eu , just for the next 6 months , see how eu rulers react to that

  2. Russia should stop all oil & gas supplies to EU let them get their supplies from US or freeze during winter. Why help EU being US lackey whom wanted to destroying Russia.

  3. It's only in the Media the word sanction but in reality they still buy in Russia using the 3rd party. How can the West say NO to Oil , Gas and Uranium ?! 😅 not in a 100 yrs. The truth they are willing to pay 3× higher , the fact remain, it is still comes from Russia ! To save their ruined economy.

  4. Europe is enslaved by the USA. I’m ashamed by our disgusting corrupted politicians. It starts with the head of corruption: Ursula von der Leyen…. A disgusting woman who is worse than Hitler

  5. Putin is getting desperate Hindus. And we now learn that sales of Vodka in Russia have doubled because the Russian people have Vladimir Putin for their leader, dragging Russia to hell.

  6. Remember when the sanctions were first imposed on Russia, and Russia laughed, their not laughing anymore. And having to draft troops in from a 3rd rate dictatorship to help um, that's the laugh, while his so called best mate China sits back and watches it all unfold waiting to pounce to take control of Russia when the collapse comes

  7. All the nonsense sanctions are only going to strengthen the Russian Economic when all is said and done. MARK my words Russian will end up being the biggest Economic in Europe.

  8. Peskov states: “Due to the growing involvement of the West in the conflict over Ukraine, the Russian Federation cannot but consider various options for responding to such hostile Western intervention in the Ukrainian crisis.” This crisis has been caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine…Russia needs to withdraw immediately and then the west will not be 'hostile'.

  9. Putin responsible for deaths of hundreds of thousands of his own people in an attempted annexation of a neighbouring country, but accuses Europe of harming his people?!!!!

  10. "Hypocritical EU"???? The only only one that is hypocritical is Ruzzia and it Putler fanboys. It is ok to use Iranian and North Korean weapons to attack Ukraine, but not OK that the west supply weapons to Ukraine to be used in Ruzzia. HYPOCRITES is what you are Putler lovers.

  11. Forget this jazz. Europe better get a plan together in fear of becoming gaza people. Eating grass like the little old lady who lived in a shoe.

  12. Putin deeply understand that by keep pushing for nuclear power he make his country at risk because another country can feel threaten and use nuclear power against him . That will be a big lose for both Russia and his enemies.he is not stupid to put his children, his citizens under the threaten that another country can use nuclear power to threaten his people .The main reason that he keep talking like that making social media pay more attention to his idea is because he want to shape the political and point of view of America citizens. Especially during the American election 2024 . This is exactly the good time for Putin to keep pushing for the war and keep threatening to use nuclear power against USA because he figured out the weakness in USA political system during the USA election. The 2 candidates keep fighting and destroying their reputation by raising money using lawsuits to find the mistake of another candidate . He make America citizens feel confused because they don’t what is happening in their own country. He make western countries and usa’s allies feel upset and unhappy because they feel America is not safe and can not protect them and they figure out there is some problem in America politics system .He is very good at creating separation and destroying the political system of another country. The main reasons he come to Vietnam is because he want to create the separation between Vietnam community in America and making America hate Vietnamese citizens who live and work in America. That kind of action is nothing more than creating separation and hatred. He did the exact same thing in many countries. North Korea, South Korea, America election 2016 , America election 2024 , Vietnam and Vietnam community who live in America. Remember he used to work at spy kbg agents. A job to spy another country system and shaping political, opinion idea of another country. Sabotaging the political system of another country to bring the most benefits for Russia

  13. Putin really want the 2 candidates from republic and independence hate each others. The weakness of political system in America is that during the election of president between 2 candidates. They are making a big social media and attract many countries in a world to listen and understand everything, every strategy of the 2 leaders. That is so easy to understand why Putin know every action of America strategy. America do a very good job at posting everything of the 2 candidates, every kind of information, the debate and strategy thinking to social media and another country enemies can keep track of every moment of the 2 leaders. Especially Russia , do you ever wonder if Putin listened carefully to what the 2 candidates discussed about ? That why he understands every moment , strategy thinking of both 2 leader . Stop being that stupid 🥹🥹🥹🥹

  14. Sanctions means nothing North Korea has been on sanctions over 35yrs and they still survived and russia has consificated over $500,billion dollars just th3 way USA did.. USA now's very well it can't beat Russia in war


  16. Putin is a tiny little man who in all likelihood knows that he made a huge mistake invading Ukraine and is now desperate to find a face saving way out for himself. Embarrassing.

  17. Germany at the beginning of the 20th century experienced a very strong rise in industry, education, etc. Hitler did it with borrowed money. And when it came time to repay the loan, Hitler declared war on the creditors. The United States did the same in Ukraine, starting a war with Russia.

  18. Russia was "Consecrated" to the Catholic Church Virgin of Fatima…. Does this have anything to do with the Conflict Started back in 2014? Russia was Eastern Orthodox Christian before Communism… The EU. Is a Catholic Endeavor with Rome behind the veil. The US. Is also under Rome's control. When Spain and Portugal started the Conquista they were doing it for Rome and their respective Kings with the Pope Blessing they went out and Conquered. Is this what's going on? Russia is to be Conquered? I mean the Zulus, the Aztecs, Incas, they had no fire arms nor Cannons or horses. Russia has Nuclear weapons and they don't want to be Conquered.

  19. Whine, b*tch, moan… gee, hurts when you get smacked down for the sh*t you pull.
    If it REALLY didn't have any effect, there wouldn't be a reason to whine like that, they would just shrug and go on with their BS. lmao

  20. Russia thinks it's ok to steal your neighbours land if they don't do what you tell them to. Like to pretend the Ukrainian parliament is Nazī when there's not a single one in there

  21. *Hummm !….
    —-> I am getting myself Grateful & Thankful to the Universe or God for the many & many blessings in my life !…
    —-> I am looking for & appreciating the Good Things & the Perfect Things of Life, both what I Need & what I Want. Objectively & Subjectively. Practically & Theoretically. Academically & Empirically. Structurally & Conjuncturally !…
    —-> I am welcoming joy into my life, with open arms !…
    —-> I am getting myself in touch, in tune with the abundant nature of the Universe ; I am getting myself in touch, in tune with the Divine Magnetic Power. The Power of all Powers. The Power of God !…
    —-> I am starting from the assumption that, plenty of money is coming to me, on both expected and unexpected ways !…
    —-> I am getting to know, to learn, to understand & to believe that, my body knows what is the best for my Health as well as for my Wellbeing !…
    —-> I am attractive ; I am the attractor of Goodness and Perfection ; I am attracting & dealing with wonderful things into my life ; I am attracting the perfect circumstances, the perfect conditions, …, !…
    —-> I am getting the PERCEPTION, I am perceiving that, I really deserve Happiness and Success !…
    —-> I am getting to know, to learn, to understand & to believe that, SOMETHING WONDERFUL is always on the verge of happening ; Something wonderful is happening in My Life, right here & right now !…
    —-> I am able enough & skilled enough in everything I do ; I am incomparable ; I am unique ; I am universal ; I am wise ; I am worthy !…
    —-> I am reprogramming my subconscious mind ; I am resetting my Overall Mental State or Mindset ; I am releasing everything that doesn't serve me well ; I am the new version of myself !…
    —-> I am in God, God is in me. God is ABOVE everyone & everything. So I AM. Thanks Almighty Lord God !…

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