North Korean Ammo Keeps 70-Year-Old Russian Guns Firing. Milbloggers have posted images of Stalin-era towed howitzers being fed with non-standard 130mm ammunition in Ukraine the markings of which indicate they came from Pyongyang.

North Korean Ammo Keeps 70-Year-Old Russian Guns Firing. Milbloggers have posted images of Stalin-era towed howitzers being fed with non-standard 130mm ammunition in Ukraine the markings of which indicate they came from Pyongyang.

by MaryADraper

  1. Now no one can say that Ukraine is unjustified in attacking ruZZian military planes and weapons across the borders with US weapons. If the ruZZians feel the need to use foreign munitions to cause death and destruction of innocents in Ukraine, so too, should Ukraine reach deep and far into ruZZian military targets with US and European-made weapons.

  2. The M-46 is a gun, not a howitzer. It is also possibly the finest piece of artillery to come out of the Soviet Union.

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