Trying to Find the Origin of a Story

A story about Germany has been reported internationally, regarding your defamation laws.
The story says that a young woman (f20) has been jailed for attacking online a rapist from the case in Hamburg involving a young girl (f15) attacked by a group of immigrant men. The story centres on her being given more jail time for her words than the rapists.

I first saw the story in an Australian news outlet that linked to the German paper Die Welt. Then the story was published in British paper The Telegraph with additional details that the girl’s name was Maja R. This story has been picked up verbatim and spread to many international news outlets.

Many conservative groups have been sharing this story using Germany as a cautionary tale regarding immigration and hate speech laws.

I just wonder about the truth of this story. The Telegraph is known for not fact checking well. I believe Die Welt has published falsehoods in the past also.

Is this a big story in Germany? Is there any truth to it?

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

by 0wellwhatever

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