French election live: France’s far right makes big gains in first round of parliamentary election

French election live: France’s far right makes big gains in first round of parliamentary election

by atdoru

  1. Inability of European leaders to handle, or even acknowledge, immigration issues, and not taking Russian propaganda threat seriously, is what is ultimately going to hand Europe to Russia.

    Russia conquered Europe without a single bullet fired.

  2. Im afraid that the damage is already done and too much to handle. I dont a have very positive view of Macron but his policies and promises are the most realistic compared to RN and NFP. People across europe have started to snap and they vote in protest and in reaction, hoping to enact radical change as quickly as possible, question is will it ever be enough?

  3. It’s time to reconcile that Macron’s gamble failed, he shouldn’t have done it, not at this geopolitical timing.

    Now Macron and France’s foreign policy will be obstructed by parliament, the words about France not ruling out troops to ukraine? You can forget about that leverage now.

    Macron striked an own goal to himself.

  4. Le Pen failing to reach the predicted 36% is the only bright spot. It means the road to the absolute mayority isn’t as open as she hoped

    The Left-Macron truce is another good sign. Internal divisions tend to favor the FN candidates in many French regions.

    In general, I think France is going to have three interesting years in the Italian sense of the world.

  5. Now to see if the ‘center’ right does the responsible thing for the first time ever and allies with the left to defend a free society.

    Right-wing economic policies are the source of the majority of the problems people are feeling. The populist authoritarians obviously blame this or that vulnerable group for it because they oppose a free society but (and) they’re totally okay with economic injustice, and until now it’s also been convenient for the ‘center’ right because it keeps the poor people fighting amongst each other.

    It’s time to acknowledge that fact and for the ‘center’ right, if there is one, to actually and genuinely give up on the most egregious laissez-faire and work toward a more economically just society.

    It’s also well past time for some people to acknowledge that their problems aren’t caused by and won’t be solved by eliminating people with a different skin color or identity. If you don’t, you’re voting exactly for the same economic policies that have put you in distress, *and* you’re fucking over other innocent people at the same time. It’s time to grow up and act like adults if you want to be taken seriously.

  6. The results are coming. In many areas, the far right is either first or second but not always by big margins.

    By next Sunday, it’s not impossible they don’t have an absolute majority.

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