Le Pens extreme Rechte steht in der ersten Runde der französischen Wahlen vor großem Sieg

Le Pens extreme Rechte steht in der ersten Runde der französischen Wahlen vor großem Sieg


  1. “What could possibly go wrong… this time?”

    – The French, apparently.

  2. A week is a long time in politics. Let’s see what happens.

    Fucking depressing though.

  3. – 34% for the far-right alliance
    – 28.1% for the left-wing alliance
    – 20.3% for Macron’s centrist alliance
    – 10.2% for the conservative party candidates who refused to join the far-right alliance

  4. Putin is winning elections in European countries and will most likely win in the United States. It’s incredible how countries with the highest standards of living in the world and yet the citizens of these countries vote for fascist and pro+Russian parties. Europe is lost, we will see what happens in the United States.

  5. Has it? Pretty sure he new this would happen and is trying to rip the bandaid off early. Also, the actual result is unknown until the second round. 

  6. I guess this is more of a vote on whether Macron is an idiot or not. So far it’s not looking good for him.

    I wonder if he can form a coalition or will be welcoming Putin for visits more often.

  7. For someone not familiar with the French parliamentary system, how do these multiple rounds of voting work? Is it like ranked choice? Am curious if despite the alarmist headlines about a looming right wing victory, the odds actually favor a merger of the center left and far left.

  8. So French people want Putin to win? Sad, very sad.

    Every vote to far right helps Putin to achieve his goals, remember this people.

  9. Still not sure why Macron called for an early election knowing full well they’d lose. This is not like Sunak who had to call an election before 2025. Macron played 5D chess here.

  10. Maybe macron shouldn’t have spent the past few weeks attacking the left instead of the fascists. God forbid someone can change their gender at city hall.

  11. To be honest, I’m more bullish on this than the results might show on the face of it. A 6% swing is absolutely recoverable for the left-wing alliance in later rounds, I can’t help but feel Le Pen needed more than 34% in the first round, because I feel like she’s still less palatable to centrists than the left-wing… with the exception of people like Macron.

  12. Even if this was destined to happen, Macron was stupid, why call this elections early?

  13. Any ideas how they can have results that fast? Do they do a survey after the voting box? Thanks!

  14. I have a feeling that people in general has forgotten the horrors of WW2 and want to refresh the memory. Crazy timeline.

  15. Half of Europe seems to be looking to the right to solve their problems, meanwhile the UK has had the right and decided overall nah we want to go left, and that the right decided to give itself a split headache here.

    At least with FN (or NR? as they call themselves now) they’ve tried to re-market themselves as being less thuggish. AfD are just open neo-nazi holocaust denying thugs.

  16. Help me understand.

    34% voted for the far-right.

    66% voted for literally everyone else.

    And somehow this is a “big win”?

  17. How is it possible for France and the French people to vote for a far right government? I was in France 4 days ago and everywhere I went, people seemed proud of being a liberal and progressive country, a beacon of hope.

    Between this and Biden’s poor performance, I’m extremely worried the next decade is going to be full of war and pain.

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