Three Russian assault troops share their experiences in Vovchansk

Three Russian assault troops share their experiences in Vovchansk

by kingkongsingsong1

  1. I mean duh, there have to be consequences for supporting putin, have there?

  2. The plot for this story is heartwarming …………unless you happen to be a ruzzian invader.

  3. Too moronic to rebel against your idiotic leadership; just die, or get maimed.

    Useless Ruzzia!

    You are a shame; nothing to give to the world, but suffering.

  4. Frag your commanders, take whatever you can and surrender. The only other option is death.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading that. Shame these stories and reality in general will never reach the Russian population.

  6. Your “dear and beloved ruSSia” should be wiped out from the map. That’s what peace looks like. Hope one of the birds gets you if you don’t surrender.

  7. The only surprising thing about this is that these dumb-shit Russian doormats keep following orders specifically designed to kill them, rather than turning the guns on their REAL enemy: the Russian military commanders.

  8. Tomorrow we will be sent to die.

    Yet they all willingly do instead of shooting the ones sending them to die.


  9. Just imagine the PTSD from all the drones the Russian soldiers will have after this is over. I bet they’ll freak anytime they hear the whirr of a drone. Baba yaga is coming for all of them.

  10. First names? Might as well be chalk lines on the side of a mortar, neatly lined and then crossed to make groups of five. These guys don’t need names anymore if they’re part of Russki assault groups.

  11. I would say comparing russians to pencils is really offensive towards the pencil

  12. Lets goooo Ukraine!! And lets Go Western countries!!!! Supply supply supply!!!! Make the ruskis regret their evil doings once and for all!!! No more fascism!!! ❤️❤️🇪🇺🇺🇦❤️❤️

    Edit: lets not miss them out: ❤️❤️🇺🇸 ❤️❤️

  13. Wait a minute, it was all fun and games when they razed Grozny in Chechnya or Syrian Aleppo, and now they’re complaining that the war in Ukraine is unfair? Pathetic creatures.

  14. About time these people realised they ain’t ever going to beat Ukrainian people,never .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧

  15. I don’t understand why these Russians soldiers, knowing the chances of surviving against drones is so low, why they didn’t turn their weapon against their commanders and regime and try to die in that way protecting their life and that of the country they love… if you die in both situation much better to die killing those who want to send you to 100% death 🤷‍♂️ instead of being sliced in half and die slowly… maybe they think they will be hero 🤦‍♂️🙃

  16. >”These guys are concussed, sick, shot up, and they’re going back into the fight tomorrow.”

    I think this might explain the one drone video we saw a few days ago where it just flew up to the guy and he didn’t put any resistance, just stood there staring at it accepting his fate.

  17. These letters had me choking up a bit.

    …Yeah, tried to breath my coffee while laughing.

    …Nearly awarded myself a fricken Darwin award ff sake 🙂

  18. Kind of surprising that we still never had a video of anybody using a shotgun. It might not be able to hit the drones at range, but should be better than throwing your rifle at the drone.

  19. desperate staff and soldiers but unfortunately the yare more scared of their own people than getting mown down by the Ukrainians. Therefore they will keep dying in their thousands. Once they decide enough is enough and realise they are armed soldier who can turn around take their weapons and return to russia killing their commanders on the way to finishing off putin.

    Its called a mutiny or revolution im sure your russians know what that was….

  20. It does not even come to their mind that they can simply say NO. If they all refuse to go and fight they can force a mutiny and go back to ruzzia. Maybe they will end up in prison, but they will be still alive.

    The point is that they are going for near certain death and are not even entertaining the alternative…

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