Please help – Money owed to Finanzamt because I haven’t payed tv fee – what does this letter mean?

So due to health issues I completely neglected taking care of the TV and radio fee and now i received this letter from the Finanzamt. My german is ok but not good enough to understand this, plus I'm also freaking out, so that doesn't help. Can someone please tell me what this means and what I should do? I know it's my fault for letting it get to this and I'm ashamed of myself, but I'd really appreciate some help. Thank you kind people of reddit!

by Interesting-Mall7506

  1. They say, they want to seize your loan.

    If you Do not pay yourself they can seize your loan, but if you pay the outstabding debt then the seizure is not valid anymore and all is fine.

  2. This is not the Finanzamt. You owe money and have apparently ignored many reminders. This is a civil matter.

    The easiest way they can get your money if you don’t cooperate, is to take your salary before it’s paid to you. They have that power. And that’s apparently what they are going to do now.

    You can apply for protection from this seizure if it will affect your life too strongly. Now is absolutely the time to no longer ignore the issue!

    They ALWAYS prefer it if you just bloody pay! It’s never too late to negotiate payment conditions that suit both sides. Do it now. Just bloody talk to them.

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